Official Statistics Release Calendar
Daily releases
Date | Indicators | Release time |
every working day | Correspondent account balances of credit institutions with the Bank of Russia | till 10.00 |
every working day | RUONIA (Ruble Overnight Index Average) | till 15.00 |
every working day | RUONIA Index and Averages | till 16.00 |
every working day | Weighted Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits (MIACR, MIACR-IG and MIACR-B)* | till 16.30 |
on day of fixing by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia | Key rate* | 13.30 |
every working day | Official еxchange rates of foreign currencies against ruble* | |
every working day | Reference prices for refined precious metals | |
on day of conducting operations | Lombard auction rates | |
after end of auction | Repo auctions rates | |
every working day | The Bank of Russia deposit rates |
Weekly releases
Date | Indicators | Release time |
on Thursdays | International Reserves of the Russian Federation (weekly, end of period)* | 16:00 |
on Fridays | Monetary Base (narrow definition), weekly values at the end of the reporting date | 11:00 |
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