Analytical Accounts of MonetaryAuthorities in 19981
million rubles, end of period
Dec, 1997 | Jan, 1998 | Feb, 1998 | Mar, 1998 | Apr, 1998 | May, 1998 | |
Foreign assets | 123,342.8 | 109,283.5 | 108,010.3 | 119,608.8 | 114,710.0 | 107,089.6 |
Claims on general government | 226,047.7 | 219,094.9 | 225,850.5 | 232,344.6 | 233,652.4 | 223,835.8 |
Claims on nonfinancial public organizations | 45.8 | 161.0 | 160.8 | 160.9 | 160.5 | 160.3 |
Claims on nonfinancial private organizations and households | 280.6 | 350.6 | 346.9 | 343.4 | 338.4 | 325.4 |
Claims on credit institutions | 11,119.4 | 5,630.7 | 4,485.9 | 5,806.8 | 7,341.2 | 9,928.0 |
Monetary base | 204,865.3 | 183,029.2 | 180,759.0 | 185,148.5 | 188,069.6 | 190,327.7 |
money outside banks | 130,474.2 | 116,561.6 | 120,143.7 | 119,036.7 | 128,492.2 | 129,732.8 |
Time deposits and deposits in foreign currency | 5,457.1 | 5,460.1 | 6,151.6 | 4,991.3 | 4,783.7 | 4,522.2 |
Foreign liabilities | 79,742.3 | 83,706.2 | 84,630.0 | 84,231.6 | 85,280.4 | 85,020.0 |
General government’s deposits | 21,313.6 | 20,907.5 | 18,794.7 | 22,816.1 | 17,545.4 | 16,062.7 |
local government deposits | 3,563.9 | 3,692.9 | 3,297.9 | 3,171.6 | 2,900.2 | 2,977.5 |
Capital account | 69,552.2 | 68,343.7 | 68,210.3 | 64,239.8 | 65,658.2 | 65,649.8 |
Other items (net) | -20,094.3 | -26,926.0 | -19,691.1 | -3,162.8 | -5,134.7 | -20,243.3 |
June, 1998 | July, 1998 | Aug, 1998 | Sep, 1998 | Oct, 1998 | Nov, 1998 | |
Foreign assets | 117,299.7 | 130,907.9 | 117,933.6 | 244,420.6 | 258,088.1 | 267,106.6 |
Claims on general government | 226,682.3 | 234,336.7 | 257,119.1 | 417,602.3 | 427,110.5 | 464,980.0 |
Claims on nonfinancial public organizations | 158.6 | 152.9 | 152.9 | 152.7 | 152.2 | 151.3 |
Claims on nonfinancial private organizations and households | 318.6 | 316.3 | 335.9 | 412.4 | 452.3 | 441.6 |
Claims on credit institutions | 11,991.7 | 4,037.3 | 22,164.6 | 17,947.9 | 17,698.1 | 37,003.7 |
Monetary base | 190,059.2 | 191,118.1 | 183,531.2 | 205,405.8 | 224,068.2 | 234,144.8 |
money outside banks | 129,686.0 | 129,182.3 | 133,204.6 | 154,028.5 | 166,256.9 | 167,084.0 |
Time deposits and deposits in foreign currency | 6,035.2 | 3,272.1 | 3,240.0 | 4,510.0 | 5,395.5 | 7,085.9 |
Foreign liabilities | 89,259.2 | 118,368.0 | 150,524.8 | 312,636.2 | 317,415.5 | 342,758.2 |
General government’s deposits | 20,797.7 | 10,253.3 | 9,880.1 | 18,181.3 | 17,832.8 | 23,102.3 |
local government deposits | 2,943.5 | 2,261.9 | 1,887.5 | 2,023.6 | 2,976.3 | 3,678.7 |
Capital account | 65,727.4 | 65,903.4 | 62,865.6 | 62,669.3 | 62,730.4 | 62,686.7 |
Other items (net) | -15,427.9 | -19,163.7 | -12,335.6 | 77,133.4 | 76,058.8 | 99,905.1 |
1 Methodology of these indicators calculation is given in the Summary Methodology (Section 1) of the “Bulletin of Banking Statistics” No. 5 2008. Since 2001 the data are published in the form of the Central Bank Survey. |
Updated October 5, 2007. |
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