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Main Indicators of Foreign Currency Market Turnover in 2013

Main Indicators of Foreign Currency Market Turnover in 2013
(According to the report ¹ 0409701"The foreign exchange and money markets transactions report" data, received from credit organizations)

Total Average Daily Currencies’ Turnover of FORWARDS FX Transactions
(millions of US dollars)

In all currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) US Dollar (USD) EURO (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 2,459 1,241 2,193 1,004 98 135 156 26 12 5 1 0 4 43
February 2,357 1,365 2,151 745 128 88 152 29 13 2 2 0 4 37
March 3,830 2,113 3,634 1,416 122 83 195 26 17 10 0 0 4 38
April 5,048 3,661 4,669 1,386 79 44 160 17 8 16 1 0 2 54
May 5,738 3,575 5,340 1,900 231 138 115 44 29 9 1 0 6 87
June 2,637 1,945 2,498 544 94 26 87 51 5 1 1 3 19
July 1,672 1,306 1,541 326 58 16 64 12 1 3 2 2 13
August 4,224 2,703 4,031 1,272 151 62 136 33 15 3 2 0 4 33
September 2,024 1,572 1,878 385 72 12 62 8 0 4 3 12 5 37
October 2,765 1,854 2,545 805 114 61 51 21 5 2 0 13 6 52
November 3,034 2,030 2,823 713 176 112 87 22 19 2 18 9 58
December 4,065 3,065 3,822 862 116 73 105 9 9 1 0 4 12 52
Russian rouble against other currencies
Total US Dollar (USD) EURO (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 1,241 1,164 73 2 2 0 0
February 1,365 1,287 75 0 3 0 0
March 2,113 2,010 96 0 1 0 6
April 3,661 3,346 313 1 1 0 0 0 0
May 3,575 3,299 273 1 1 1 0 0 0
June 1,945 1,862 83 0 1 0 0
July 1,306 1,225 80 1 1 0 0 0
August 2,703 2,596 106 0 1 0 0 0 0
September 1,572 1,460 107 2 1 2 0 0 0
October 1,854 1,706 146 0 1 0 0 0
November 2,030 1,918 110 1 0 0 0
December 3,065 2,846 211 2 1 0 4
US dollar against other currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) EURO (EUR) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 2,193 1,164 777 53 50 88 12 6 5 1 0 4 33
February 2,151 1,287 566 89 46 103 15 9 2 2 0 4 28
March 3,634 2,010 1,235 93 46 171 22 16 4 0 0 4 34
April 4,669 3,346 1,014 55 27 141 17 7 16 1 0 2 44
May 5,340 3,299 1,520 164 112 99 32 25 9 1 0 6 73
June 2,498 1,862 412 57 21 82 45 3 1 1 3 11
July 1,541 1,225 198 23 11 59 10 0 3 2 2 8
August 4,031 2,596 1,089 125 41 110 29 9 3 2 0 4 26
September 1,878 1,460 250 53 10 48 6 0 4 3 12 5 27
October 2,545 1,706 591 91 48 30 16 2 2 0 13 6 40
November 2,823 1,918 532 145 74 51 13 12 2 18 9 50
December 3,822 2,846 634 108 61 97 8 8 1 0 4 12 44
Euro against other currencies
Total Russian Rouble (RUB) US Dollar (USD) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Japanese Yen (JPY) Swiss Franc (CHF) Australian Dollar (AUD) Canadian Dollar (CAD) China Yuan (CNY) Belorussian Rouble (BYR) Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) Kazakh Tenge (KZT) Others
January 1,004 73 777 17 59 64 3 3 8
February 745 75 566 18 27 44 7 0 8
March 1,416 96 1,235 24 32 23 2 1 4
April 1,386 313 1,014 22 12 14 0 0 10
May 1,901 273 1,520 56 20 15 2 1 0 14
June 544 83 412 32 2 5 1 1 8
July 326 80 198 33 4 5 2 0 5
August 1,272 106 1,089 25 16 25 2 2 7
September 385 107 250 16 11 1 1
October 805 146 591 21 10 18 4 1 13
November 713 110 532 6 16 32 9 0 8
December 862 211 634 1 5 7 0 0 4
1. Tables are based on data from credit institutions, which are the largest domestic foreign exchange market operators, which submit the reporting form № 0409701"The foreign exchange and money markets transactions report".
2. Forward FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes interbank deals with settlements effected not later than the second bank business day after the transaction day. Forward FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes also FX swap transactions, in which on of the legs is a forward deal.
3. Forward FX transactions currencies’ turnover includes exchange and over-the-counter interbank deals conducted by respondent banks with residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation.
4. Total currencies’ turnover is the overall value of the deals (excluding double-counting).
5. The tables’ data should be updated.
Updated August 22, 2014.
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Last updated on: 08.10.2019