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Loans, Deposits and Other Funds Extended to Organizations, Individuals and Credit Institutions

millions of rubles

31.01 28.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07 31.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12
Loans, Deposits and Other Funds in rubles 37,726,734 37,636,286 38,213,972 38,425,636 38,687,366 39,423,741 39,470,111 40,184,842 40,935,931 41,551,259 42,160,694 42,928,749
of which:
individuals 10,612,841 10,646,148 10,735,434 10,845,862 10,929,131 11,047,664 11,193,042 11,382,139 11,541,810 11,691,314 11,887,962 12,065,458
organizations 22,051,620 22,180,762 22,325,240 22,378,615 22,496,744 22,642,634 22,687,439 23,070,774 23,587,262 23,823,457 24,033,477 24,380,792
of which by maturity:
up to 30 days 826,094 890,352 1,059,730 1,015,540 1,033,908 1,511,898 1,315,206 1,206,481 1,076,687 1,181,254 1,271,292 1,599,876
31 to 90 days 660,623 682,493 471,349 478,273 447,115 371,594 399,757 445,758 589,934 651,461 667,608 746,282
91 to 180 days 887,399 855,788 1,043,774 1,033,320 1,082,840 944,283 1,024,408 968,717 1,224,865 1,181,425 1,221,807 1,124,350
181 days to 1 year 2,897,603 2,878,954 2,942,903 3,019,089 3,025,520 2,826,090 2,839,607 3,003,395 3,121,791 3,160,439 3,181,645 3,151,193
1 to 3 years 4,877,588 4,792,731 4,784,069 4,765,805 4,765,796 4,876,756 5,045,025 5,084,136 5,121,738 5,160,357 5,277,010 5,243,935
over 3 years 10,138,791 10,279,062 10,246,439 10,261,495 10,338,811 10,343,401 10,271,111 10,576,779 10,661,604 10,704,646 10,659,404 10,725,839
credit institutions 5,062,273 4,809,376 5,153,298 5,201,159 5,261,491 5,733,442 5,589,631 5,731,929 5,806,859 6,036,488 6,239,256 6,482,499
Loans, Deposits and Other Funds in foreign currency 15,199,942 14,700,531 14,444,442 14,483,122 14,166,819 14,531,098 14,350,144 13,553,431 13,442,066 13,197,081 13,274,009 12,880,836
of which:
individuals 152,249 144,849 134,451 132,446 129,460 137,186 135,531 129,578 122,239 115,773 118,181 108,234
organizations 10,711,463 10,356,426 10,066,765 10,360,566 10,267,748 10,573,090 10,389,321 10,079,229 9,784,811 9,586,483 9,643,007 9,439,144
of which by maturity:
up to 30 days 1,093,774 1,161,121 1,163,249 1,184,191 1,144,986 1,082,936 828,499 537,933 492,377 391,938 450,653 270,893
31 to 90 days 75,758 46,829 126,126 69,497 32,740 57,148 201,528 223,965 178,204 206,844 99,930 74,141
91 to 180 days 389,450 299,955 129,526 168,417 170,842 172,321 204,414 255,216 232,073 165,940 171,889 151,592
181 days to 1 year 676,660 716,889 625,068 916,298 892,910 897,523 864,669 754,328 700,334 671,678 643,084 544,217
1 to 3 years 1,331,478 1,249,698 1,228,416 1,199,988 1,180,995 1,207,412 1,199,556 1,164,789 1,194,928 1,173,249 1,186,634 1,443,434
over 3 years 6,913,406 6,665,953 6,441,003 6,604,627 6,637,201 6,907,222 6,863,703 6,924,305 6,738,000 6,712,310 6,840,119 6,746,095
credit institutions 4,327,469 4,190,317 4,234,745 3,981,426 3,761,042 3,812,193 3,815,418 3,334,959 3,526,331 3,484,753 3,502,279 3,322,149

Updated on 22 February 2018.

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Last updated on: 12.08.2019