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How we communicate our decisions

Economic agents’ expectations have a considerable impact on the economy in general and on inflation in particular. Therefore, the Bank of Russia provides detailed explanations regarding inflation movements and the reasons behind them, as well as how the regulator influences this process. Information transparency is crucial to enhance the understanding of and confidence in the Bank of Russia’s policy, as well as to make its actions more predictable for economic agents. This contributes to the efficiency of monetary policy.

The Bank of Russia’ monetary policy communication is to be detailed and up to date. This applies to clarifying the reasoning behind monetary policy decisions and their expected effects, the Bank of Russia’s view of the current economic situation and its forecast.

The Bank of Russia pursues its information policy taking into account the specifics of the target audiences, that is, it presents the information in such a manner as to make it clear and helpful to users. This implies that the content, form and communication channels of this information are customised to various categories of users, their interests and requirements.

The principal strategic document related to monetary policy issues is the Monetary Policy Guidelines. In this document, the Bank of Russia each year describes the goals of monetary policy and approaches to its implementation as well as medium-term macroeconomic scenarios. The Bank of Russia Annual Report summarises the results of monetary policy implementation over the year. Current monetary policy decisions are described in press releases on the key rate, Summary of the Key Rate Discussion and Commentary on the Bank of Russia’s Medium-term Forecast (Monetary Policy Report until November 2023), as well as statements by the Bank of Russia Governor in follow-up of Board of Directors meeting. In addition, representatives of the Bank of Russia hold regular meetings with representatives of state authorities, journalists, analysts and investors, give interviews to mass media, as well as speak at conferences, fora and congresses. The Bank of Russia present the information using simpler language and more visuals on Telegram, Rutube, VKOdnoklassniki, Yandex Zen, as well as on the Financial Culture website and its pages on social media (Telegram, VK, Odnoklassniki)

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Last updated on: 21.01.2025