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Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector for certain financial instruments

November 2024

Over the past 12 months, households invested 17.0 trn rubles in financial assets and attracted 5.2 trn rubles of bank loans, including 1.08 trn and 99 bln rubles in November, respectively.

Financial assets and liabilities of the households sector
(monthly transactions, bln rubles)

Fig. 1

Data on a full range of financial instruments is presented in quarterly publication.

Financial assets

  • Over the past 12 months, the deposit growth totalled 12.6 trn rubles. In November, the deposit growth remained almost unchanged compared to previous month (+0.86 trn rubles). Main increase was provided by other (term) deposits in rubles (+1.61 trn rubles), while transferrable deposits decreased by 0.70 bln rubles.
  • Funds in escrow accounts increased by 68 bln rubles after reduction in the previous month.
Tab. 2
Balance as of
bln rubles
Transactions, bln rubles
Annual Monthly From the beginning of the year
01.11.2024 01.12.2024 01.11.2024 01.12.2024 01.11.2024 01.12.2024
Currency 25 837 −664 −451 −77 −20 −674 −694

National currency

15 809 −423 −162 −2 −62 −347 −409

Foreign currency

10 028 −240 −289 −75 42 −327 −285
Deposits 65 898 12 723 12 616 824 857 8 595 9 452

Transferable deposits with banks

15 667 1 414 1 181 −747 −702 316 −387

Other deposits with banks

41 518 10 535 10 682 1 518 1 492 7 641 9 134

Deposits with non-resident banks*

8 713 773 753 54 67 638 705
Broker accounts of households 410 −190 −148 −42 −10 −155 −165
Debt securities 4 282 888 802 −5 −57 755 698
Listed shares and investment fund units and shares 14 584 2 356 2 357 178 154 933 1 087
Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes and pension savings 7 827 748 803 37 92 667 759
Escrow accounts of households 6 711 1 185 1 001 −64 68 1 069 1 137

* Estimated value.

Financial assets
(rolling 12-month period, transactions, bln rubles)

Fig. 3

Financial liabilities

  • Mortgage housing loans continued to decline – growth over the past 12 months amounted to 2.90 trn rubles, of which 80 bln rubles in November (+142 bln rubles a month earlier).
  • The growth of consumer loans over the past 12 months amounted to 1.48 trn rubles, while in November consumer loans increased by 13 bln rubles (−78 bln rubles in October).
  • As a result, the increase of household liabilities to credit institutions in November amounted to 124 billion rubles (minimal monthly increase since the beginning of 2024).
Tab. 2
Balance as of
bln rubles
Transactions, bln rubles
Annual Monthly From the beginning of the year
01.11.2024 01.12.2024 01.11.2024 01.12.2024 01.11.2024 01.12.2024
Bank loans 39 357 6 151 5 569 193 124 5 092 5 217

Mortgage loans

20 029 3 307 2 900 142 80 2 278 2 358

Consumer loans*

14 887 1 599 1 476 −78 13 1 748 1 760

Car loans

2 591 953 933 49 31 845 876

Other loans

1 242 176 135 55 −4 111 107

Accrued interest claims

608 116 125 26 5 110 115
Mortgage loans, repurchased by mortgage agents and accounted for repayment 1 747 −315 −321 −31 −26 −233 −258

* Estimated value since 01.11.2024.

Financial liabilities
(rolling 12-month period, transactions, bln rubles)

Fig. 4

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Department responsible for publication: Statistics Department
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Last updated on: 16.01.2025