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Grouping of Operating Credit Institutions by Registered Authorized Capital in 2005*

Up to 3 mln. Rub. From 3 to 10 mln. Rub. From 10 to 30 mln. Rub. From 30 to 60 mln. Rub. From 60 to 150 mln. Rub. From 150 to 300 mln. Rub. From 300 mln. Rub. and more Total
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
Share of total (%) Num-
December 31, 2004 73 5.6 133 10.2 232 17.9 225 17.3 211 16.2 191 14.7 234 18.0 1,299
January 31 70 5.4 134 10.3 232 17.9 221 17.1 214 16.5 191 14.7 234 18.1 1,296
February 28 67 5.2 131 10.1 234 18.1 221 17.1 213 16.5 193 14.9 234 18.1 1,293
March 31 67 5.2 127 9.9 232 18.0 223 17.3 212 16.4 195 15.1 233 18.1 1,289
April 30 67 5.2 123 9.5 230 17.9 224 17.4 214 16.6 195 15.1 235 18.2 1,288
May 31 67 5.2 122 9.5 224 17.4 224 17.4 212 16.5 200 15.6 236 18.4 1,285
June 30 66 5.2 118 9.2 223 17.4 220 17.2 216 16.9 202 15.8 236 18.4 1,281
July 31 62 4.9 115 9.0 222 17.4 220 17.2 217 17.0 204 16.0 236 18.5 1,276
August 31 59 4.6 112 8.8 219 17.2 219 17.2 217 17.1 204 16.1 240 18.9 1,270
September 30 57 4.5 114 9.0 213 16.9 220 17.4 219 17.3 199 15.8 241 19.1 1,263
October 31 57 4.5 109 8.7 212 16.8 217 17.2 223 17.7 200 15.9 242 19.2 1,260
November 30 56 4.5 108 8.6 208 16.5 212 16.9 226 18.0 205 16.3 243 19.3 1,258
December 31 56 4.5 106 8.5 205 16.4 212 16.9 227 18.1 204 16.3 243 19.4 1,253
* The authorized capital paid by the participants is recorded in the articles of association and entered into the State Register after the registration of the articles of association by the authorized registrar.
Updated January 20, 2006.
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Last updated on: 03.04.2019