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Information on Household Lending Risks

Individual Indicators for Homogeneous Claims and Household Loans by Portfolio

Loans Actual LLP for loans Claims on interest income Actual LLP for claims on interest income
Total (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days in total loans, % Total (millions of rubles) LLP as % of total loans For overdue loans in excess of 90 days (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days as % of relevant loans LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days in total LLP, % Total (millions of rubles) For homo-geneous claims and loans with provisions in excess of 20% Homogene-ous claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total claims, % Total (mil-lions of rubles) LLP as % of total claims on interest income For claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% as % of relevant claims LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total LLP, %
1.01.16 10,278,829 1,084,298 10.5 1,138,574 11.1 945,426 87.2 83.0 184,087 90,836 49.3 80,890 43.9 77,398 85.2 95.7
1.02.16 10,227,893 1,097,201 10.7 1,166,501 11.4 962,615 87.7 82.5 192,534 92,074 47.8 83,132 43.2 79,031 85.8 95.1
1.03.16 10,223,052 1,117,255 10.9 1,184,130 11.6 984,647 88.1 83.2 183,788 92,836 50.5 84,197 45.8 80,301 86.5 95.4
1.04.16 10,196,867 1,103,602 10.8 1,169,614 11.5 974,132 88.3 83.3 189,960 91,813 48.3 83,717 44.1 79,931 87.1 95.5
1.05.16 10,196,125 1,100,420 10.8 1,164,814 11.4 973,861 88.5 83.6 184,557 88,737 48.1 81,057 43.9 77,222 87.0 95.3
1.06.16 10,207,654 1,101,973 10.8 1,171,793 11.5 980,320 89.0 83.7 186,119 89,841 48.3 82,208 44.2 78,150 87.0 95.1
1.07.16 10,217,100 1,083,827 10.6 1,158,632 11.3 967,736 89.3 83.5 183,333 89,751 49.0 83,381 45.5 79,229 88.3 95.0
1.08.16 10,257,247 1,085,749 10.6 1,166,166 11.4 974,672 89.8 83.6 191,763 90,384 47.1 84,160 43.9 80,201 88.7 95.3
1.09.16 10,330,100 1,084,139 10.5 1,167,538 11.3 975,663 90.0 83.6 187,923 89,330 47.5 84,093 44.7 79,516 89.0 94.6
1.10.16 10,361,441 1,066,569 10.3 1,152,794 11.1 962,060 90.2 83.5 184,332 89,238 48.4 84,294 45.7 79,824 89.5 94.7
1.11.16 10,386,690 1,037,489 10.0 1,125,750 10.8 935,444 90.2 83.1 186,421 88,249 47.3 83,152 44.6 78,743 89.2 94.7
1.12.16 10,445,815 1,014,010 9.7 1,106,649 10.6 916,088 90.3 82.8 181,427 86,342 47.6 81,388 44.9 77,519 89.8 95.2
1.01.17 10,494,118 977,559 9.3 1,072,739 10.2 885,889 90.6 82.6 179,960 81,236 45.1 76,622 42.6 72,844 89.7 95.1

— LLP stands for loan loss provisions.
— According to Form 0409115 ‘Information on the Quality of Assets of a Credit Institution’.
— The table does not include information about the quality of household loans assessed for the purpose of making LLP on an individual basis.

Household Loans Due in the Reporting Period, Including Overdue Loans

Millions of rubles

January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016
1. Total household loans due in the reporting period,
235,749 259,511 260,340 230,503 243,148 237,326 230,766 240,763 231,905 234,184 210,682 217,639
1.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 6,070 6,706 6,995 6,483 6,773 6,508 6,247 6,509 6,267 7,103 4,817 4,709
1.2. Housing mortgage loans 18,390 22,638 23,037 21,402 22,941 20,662 20,370 22,479 21,400 22,571 19,324 20,352
1.3. Car loans 25,465 28,607 26,933 23,816 24,383 23,190 23,231 23,206 21,738 21,857 20,289 19,419
1.4. Other consumer loans 185,823 201,561 203,376 178,802 189,050 186,965 180,917 188,569 182,500 182,653 166,252 173,160
2. Of which:
total household loans overdue in the reporting period,
37,179 38,571 38,930 30,348 37,036 34,955 35,498 34,938 30,841 30,334 29,520 26,577
2.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 315 295 316 270 301 341 411 338 312 274 246 296
2.2. Housing mortgage loans 1,912 2,024 2,700 2,678 2,469 2,211 1,969 2,314 2,083 2,097 2,306 2,589
2.3. Car loans 3,283 3,625 2,966 2,816 3,749 2,680 3,358 2,593 2,344 2,325 2,293 1,764
2.4. Other consumer loans 31,669 32,626 32,948 24,584 30,518 29,723 29,759 29,694 26,101 25,639 24,675 21,928
3. Share of total household loans overdue in the reporting period, % 15.8 14.9 15.0 13.2 15.2 14.7 15.4 14.5 13.3 13.0 14.0 12.2
3.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 5.2 4.4 4.5 4.2 4.4 5.2 6.6 5.2 5.0 3.9 5.1 6.3
3.2. Housing mortgage loans 10.4 8.9 11.7 12.5 10.8 10.7 9.7 10.3 9.7 9.3 11.9 12.7
3.3. Car loans 12.9 12.7 11.0 11.8 15.4 11.6 14.5 11.2 10.8 10.6 11.3 9.1
3.4. Other consumer loans 17.0 16.2 16.2 13.7 16.1 15.9 16.4 15.7 14.3 14.0 14.8 12.7

Update on 7 February 2017.

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Last updated on: 12.08.2019