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Information on Household Lending Risks

Individual Indicators for Homogeneous Claims and Household Loans by Portfolio

Loans Actual LLP for loans Claims on interest income Actual LLP for claims on interest income
Total (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days in total loans, % Total (millions of rubles) LLP as % of total loans For overdue loans in excess of 90 days (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days as % of relevant loans LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days in total LLP, % Total (millions of rubles) For homo-geneous claims and loans with provisions in excess of 20% Homogene-ous claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total claims, % Total (mil-lions of rubles) LLP as % of total claims on interest income For claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% as % of relevant claims LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total LLP, %
1.01.15 10,909,524 865,268 7.9 938,891 8.6 728,348 84.2 77.6 175,512 74,473 42.4 64,329 36.7 59,894 80.4 93.1
1.02.15 10,811,441 910,734 8.4 990,863 9.2 772,679 84.8 78.0 186,421 78,748 42.2 68,457 36.7 63,462 80.6 92.7
1.03.15 10,667,754 946,095 8.9 1,016,236 9.5 803,968 85.0 79.1 182,988 80,752 44.1 71,450 39.0 66,196 82.0 91.6
1.04.15 10,532,496 972,520 9.2 1,048,517 10.0 829,619 85.3 79.1 186,551 82,572 44.3 74,372 39.9 68,266 82.7 91.8
1.05.15 10,427,706 989,737 9.5 1,061,646 10.2 845,735 85.5 79.7 183,653 83,640 45.5 75,084 40.9 69,105 82.6 92.0
1.06.15 10,379,212 1,042,995 10.0 1,092,071 10.5 882,660 84.6 80.8 193,225 85,210 44.1 77,404 40.1 70,685 83.0 91.3
1.07.15 10,331,635 1,061,294 10.3 1,103,869 10.7 899,518 84.8 81.5 187,648 89,026 47.4 79,007 42.1 73,334 82.4 92.8
1.08.15 10,341,145 1,090,806 10.5 1,136,446 11.0 932,907 85.5 82.1 192,361 93,895 48.8 82,845 43.1 77,446 82.5 93.5
1.09.15 10,346,026 1,100,248 10.6 1,147,800 11.1 946,943 86.1 82.5 192,619 93,504 48.5 82,336 42.7 77,107 82.5 93.6
1.10.15 10,337,106 1,107,311 10.7 1,160,664 11.2 956,583 86.4 82.4 191,061 94,302 49.4 84,211 44.1 78,884 83.7 93.7
1.11.15 10,305,854 1,114,354 10.8 1,167,787 11.3 967,394 86.8 82.8 196,617 92,962 47.3 85,508 43.5 80,193 86.3 93.8
1.12.15 10,268,324 1,104,036 10.8 1,160,638 11.3 959,878 86.9 82.7 188,240 95,091 50.5 83,791 44.5 80,232 84.4 95.8
1.01.16 10,278,829 1,084,298 10.5 1,138,574 11.1 945,426 87.2 83.0 184,087 90,836 49.3 80,890 43.9 77,398 85.2 95.7

— LLP stands for loan loss provisions.
— According to Form 0409115 ‘Information on the Quality of Assets of a Credit Institution’.
— The table does not include information about the quality of household loans assessed for the purpose of making LLP on an individual basis.

Household Loans Due in the Reporting Period, Including Overdue Loans

Millions of rubles

January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2016
1. Total household loans due in the reporting period,
234,829 238,624 246,974 224,652 218,758 228,160 225,772 219,892 224,825 226,636 229,595 280,729
1.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 7,321 7,064 7,328 6,067 5,815 5,797 5,947 5,733 5,741 6,118 5,842 6,948
1.2. Housing mortgage loans 18,144 18,539 20,798 18,527 17,378 18,086 17,757 17,189 17,432 17,621 18,579 20,572
1.3. Car loans 26,859 25,416 28,559 26,586 24,895 25,983 24,867 24,844 24,892 24,689 24,415 28,673
1.4. Other consumer loans 182,506 187,604 190,289 173,472 170,669 178,294 177,202 172,127 176,759 178,208 180,759 224,535
2. Of which:
total household loans overdue in the reporting period,
39,009 36,410 45,643 41,060 38,540 44,802 40,634 38,554 36,313 37,103 37,369 42,264
2.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 256 207 260 331 306 383 339 392 353 457 445 451
2.2. Housing mortgage loans 1,399 1,201 1,662 1,616 1,420 1,827 1,791 2,268 2,065 2,018 2,437 2,005
2.3. Car loans 3,223 2,639 3,092 2,971 2,999 3,738 3,012 2,894 2,885 3,243 2,997 3,382
2.4. Other consumer loans 34,130 32,364 40,629 36,142 33,815 38,854 35,492 33,001 31,011 31,385 31,490 36,427
3. Share of total household loans overdue in the reporting period, % 16.6 15.5 18.5 18.3 17.6 19.6 18.0 17.5 16.2 16.4 16.3 15.1
3.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 3.5 2.9 3.6 5.5 5.3 6.6 5.7 6.8 6.2 7.5 7.6 6.5
3.2. Housing mortgage loans 7.7 6.5 8.0 8.7 8.2 10.1 10.1 13.2 11.8 11.5 13.1 9.7
3.3. Car loans 12.0 10.4 10.8 11.2 12.0 14.4 12.1 11.6 11.6 13.1 12.3 11.8
3.4. Other consumer loans 18.7 17.3 21.4 20.8 19.8 21.8 20.0 19.2 17.5 17.6 17.4 16.2

Update on 3 February 2016.

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Last updated on: 12.08.2019