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Information on Household Lending Risks in 2014

Individual Indicators for Homogeneous Claims and Household Loans by Portfolio

Loans Actual LLP for loans Claims on interest income Actual LLP for claims on interest income
Total (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days (millions of rubles) Over-due loans in excess of 90 days in total loans, % Total (millions of rubles) LLP as % of total loans For overdue loans in excess of 90 days (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days as % of relevant loans LLP for overdue loans in excess of 90 days in total LLP, % Total (millions of rubles) For homo-geneous claims and loans with provisions in excess of 20% Homogene-ous claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total claims, % Total (mil-lions of rubles) LLP as % of total claims on interest income For claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% (mil-lions of rubles) LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% as % of relevant claims LLP for claims and loans with provi-sions in excess of 20% in total LLP, %
1.01.14 9,536,025 549,338 5.8 618,983 6.5 450,109 81.9 72.7 129,266 42,490 32.9 36,919 28.6 33,566 79.0 90.9
1.02.14 9,561,654 586,411 6.1 662,575 6.9 482,146 82.2 72.8 133,748 45,246 33.8 39,483 29.5 35,515 78.5 90.0
1.03.14 9,673,589 619,540 6.4 697,687 7.2 510,948 82.5 73.2 130,514 48,516 37.2 41,920 32.1 38,385 79.1 91.6
1.04.14 9,815,377 639,445 6.5 715,677 7.3 522,743 81.7 73.0 141,579 52,930 37.4 43,595 30.8 40,057 75.7 91.9
1.05.14 9,998,418 675,497 6.8 748,535 7.5 553,086 81.9 73.9 142,460 54,089 38.0 46,011 32.3 42,303 78.2 91.9
1.06.14 10,161,416 723,431 7.1 792,041 7.8 592,349 81.9 74.8 153,624 57,716 37.6 48,985 31.9 44,975 77.9 91.8
1.07.14 10,289,872 746,550 7.3 815,615 7.9 611,976 82.0 75.0 152,487 60,528 39.7 51,727 33.9 47,369 78.3 91.6
1.08.14 10,465,861 778,878 7.4 846,892 8.1 640,619 82.2 75.6 158,616 62,537 39.4 53,542 33.8 48,670 77.8 90.9
1.09.14 10,601,540 813,154 7.7 879,237 8.3 671,787 82.6 76.4 168,670 64,873 38.5 56,506 33.5 51,166 78.9 90.6
1.10.14 10,728,793 840,478 7.8 903,455 8.4 696,347 82.9 77.1 166,211 67,676 40.7 58,534 35.2 53,315 78.8 91.1
1.11.14 10,831,843 859,864 7.9 922,270 8.5 715,187 83.2 77.5 171,514 68,444 39.9 59,627 34.8 54,631 79.8 91.6
1.12.14 10,928,420 881,382 8.1 948,054 8.7 738,828 83.8 77.9 178,550 70,685 39.6 62,556 35.0 57,408 81.2 91.8
1.01.15 10,909,524 865,268 7.9 938,891 8.6 728,348 84.2 77.6 175,512 74,473 42.4 64,329 36.7 59,894 80.4 93.1

— LLP stands for loan loss provisions.
— According to Form 0409115 ‘Information on the Quality of Assets of a Credit Institution’.
— The table does not include information about the quality of household loans assessed for the purpose of making LLP on an individual basis.

Household Loans Due in the Reporting Period, Including Overdue Loans

Millions of rubles

January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014
1. Total household loans due in the reporting period,
248,573 254,094 271,026 258,607 250,271 251,372 262,577 247,684 257,617 256,023 264,649 289,322
1.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 6,848 7,139 7,748 7,908 7,720 6,783 7,168 7,096 7,911 7,574 7,080 9,166
1.2. Housing mortgage loans 20,249 21,501 23,375 23,330 21,614 22,142 22,129 20,903 22,044 22,735 20,544 23,398
1.3. Car loans 30,103 31,068 32,340 31,997 29,600 30,752 31,767 30,184 29,025 27,942 31,243 31,309
1.4. Other consumer loans 191,374 194,386 207,562 195,372 191,337 191,695 201,513 189,500 198,637 197,771 205,783 225,450
2. Of which:
total household loans overdue in the reporting period,
31,323 31,668 36,100 35,519 35,069 37,031 37,634 35,251 37,743 43,590 43,720 44,465
2.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 298 187 159 168 187 185 231 205 202 259 262 329
2.2. Housing mortgage loans 774 881 921 1,113 848 1,040 1,148 1,223 1,276 1,465 1,300 1,149
2.3. Car loans 2,302 2,651 2,647 2,586 2,607 2,787 3,007 2,589 2,840 3,369 2,718 2,848
2.4. Other consumer loans 27,949 27,950 32,373 31,652 31,427 33,019 33,249 31,233 33,425 38,497 39,439 40,140
3. Share of total household loans overdue in the reporting period, % 12.6 12.5 13.3 13.7 14.0 14.7 14.3 14.2 14.7 17.0 16.5 15.4
3.1. Housing loans (except mortgage loans) 4.3 2.6 2.0 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.2 2.9 2.6 3.4 3.7 3.6
3.2. Housing mortgage loans 3.8 4.1 3.9 4.8 3.9 4.7 5.2 5.9 5.8 6.4 6.3 4.9
3.3. Car loans 7.6 8.5 8.2 8.1 8.8 9.1 9.5 8.6 9.8 12.1 8.7 9.1
3.4. Other consumer loans 14.6 14.4 15.6 16.2 16.4 17.2 16.5 16.5 16.8 19.5 19.2 17.8
Last update: 13 January, 2015
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Last updated on: 12.08.2019