in the centre – the indication of the face value of the coin «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES). Inside of the figure «0» – hidden pictures of the figure «10» and of the inscription «РУБ» (RUB) visible by turns only onchanging the angle of vision. In the lower part of the disc – the mint trade mark. In the upper part of thering – the inscription along the rim: «БАНК РОССИИ» (BANK OF RUSSIA), in the lower one – the year of issue «2005», to the left and to the right – stylized twigs of plants going over to the disc.
the image of the town’s panorama, above it – the coat of arms of the city of Borovsk. The inscriptions along the rim: at the top – «ДРЕВНИЕ ГОРОДА РОССИИ» (ANCIENT RUSSIAN TOWNS), at the bottom – «БОРОВСК» (BOROVSK).
The Artist: A.D. Schablykin.
The Sculptor: I.S. Komshilov.
St. Petersburg Mint (СПМД).
The Edge: 300 Corrugations and the Inscription «ДЕСЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ» (TEN RUBLES) Recurning Twice and Divided by Asterisks.