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Information on Registration and Licensing of Credit Institutions in 20171

31 December 2016 31 January 28 February 31 March 30 April 31 May 30 June 31 July 31 August 30 September 31 October 30 November 31 December
Registration of credit institutions
1. Total number of CIs2 registered by the Bank of Russia or on the ground of its decision by the authorised registrar3 975 969 967 961 955 947 943 937 933 931 927 924 923
of which:
— banks
908 902 901 895 891 885 882 878 875 874 872 868 867
— non-bank CIs 67 67 66 66 64 62 61 59 58 57 55 56 56
1.1. CIs that have been registered by the Bank of Russia but have not yet paid up authorised capital and have not been granted licence (within the period established by legislation) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of which:
— banks
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
— non-bank CIs 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Operating credit institutions
2. Total number of CIs with banking licence4 623 619 616 607 600 591 589 582 576 574 572 567 561
of which:
— banks
575 570 567 558 551 544 544 537 532 530 528 523 517
— non-bank CIs 48 49 49 49 49 47 45 45 44 44 44 44 44
2.1. CIs with licence (permit) granting them the right:
— to take deposits of individuals 515 511 510 501 497 491 491 484 480 479 477 474 468
— to conduct operations in foreign currency 404 401 399 394 388 381 379 375 369 367 365 362 358
— CIs with general licence 205 204 203 199 198 196 196 193 193 193 193 191 189
— to conduct operations with precious metals 157 156 156 153 151 150 150 149 148 147 147 148 149
2.2. Total credit institutions covered by the mandatory deposit insurance system5 519 515 514 505 501 495 495 488 484 483 481 478 472
3. Registered authorised capital of operating CIs (million rubles) 2,383,203 2,393,298 2,435,298 2,427,819 2,423,232 2,428,933 2,421,483 2,408,913 2,437,520 2,460,620 2,464,331 2,513,715 2,635,098
4. Total number of branches of operating CIs in Russia 1,098 1,088 1,080 1,039 1,008 991 981 955 947 946 918 907 890
of which
— Sberbank branches6
94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 93 93 93 93 93
5. Total number of branches of operating CIs abroad7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6. Total number of representative offices of operating Russian CIs8 285 286 283 280 277 276 275 280 281 266 266 266 224
of which:
— in Russia
255 255 252 249 247 246 245 250 251 236 236 237 196
— in non-CIS countries 21 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20
— in CIS countries 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8
7. Total number of additional offices of CIs 19,776 19,590 19,502 19,245 19,090 19,002 18,915 18,713 18,675 18,601 18,846 19,812 20,263
of which
— Sberbank additional offices
10,929 10,793 10,735 10,697 10,656 10,625 10,582 10,540 10,522 10,466 10,424 11,346 11,813
8. Total number of cash points of CIs 4,995 4,983 4,982 4,906 4,854 4,864 4,853 4,856 4,784 4,792 4,768 3,715 3,033
of which
— Sberbank cash points
3,351 3,347 3,347 3,344 3,340 3,340 3,340 3,339 3,318 3,313 3,278 2,292 1,711
9. Total number of credit and cash offices of CIs 1,943 1,933 1,924 1,908 1,912 1,912 1,918 1,923 1,932 1,945 1,964 1,969 1,972
of which
— Sberbank credit and cash offices
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. Total number of credit institutions’ operations offices (branches) 7,230 7,163 7,166 7,216 7,202 7,166 7,188 7,114 7,069 7,044 7,699 7,774 7,743
of which
— Sberbank operations offices
631 628 628 628 625 624 624 632 618 615 615 612 600
11. Total number of mobile cash points of credit institutions (branches) 256 256 257 260 262 260 260 260 261 267 270 272 275
of which
— Sberbank mobile cash points
251 251 252 254 257 256 256 256 257 263 266 268 272

— a legal entity registered by other bodies (before the Federal Law on Banks and Banking Activities came into force) and having Bank of Russia licence to conduct banking operations.

1 Information is based, among other things, on data received from the authorised registering body as of the reporting date

2 CI — credit institution. The term “credit institution” in this material denotes one of the following:

  • a legal entity registered by the Bank of Russia or the authorised registrar before 1 July 2002, and granted permission to conduct banking operations;
  • a legal entity registered by the Bank of Russian before 1 July 2002, or by the authorised registrar that once had but lost the right to conduct banking operations;

3 Credit institutions that have the status of a legal entity as of the reporting date, including CIs that have lost the right to conduct banking operations but have not yet been liquidated as a legal entity.

4 Credit institutions registered by the Bank of Russia before 1 July 2002, or by the authorised registrar and having banking licence.

5 Statistics are provided in accordance with the information submitted by the state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency to the Bank of Russia as of the balance sheet date.

6 Sberbank branches that have been recorded in the State Register of Credit Institutions and received ordinal numbers. Before 1 January 1998, the monthly information on credit institutions indicated in this line the total number of Sberbank establishments — 34,426.

7 Branches opened by Russian CIs abroad.

8 Representative offices of Russian CIs abroad comprise the offices of whose opening abroad the Bank of Russia has been notified.

Updated on 17 January 2018.

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Last updated on: 03.04.2019