• 12 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, 107016 Russia
  • 8 800 300-30-00
  • www.cbr.ru
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Regional Structure of Ruble-Denominated Mortgage Loans Extended to Individuals-Residents-Borrowers of Various Districts (for the Period since the Beginning of the Year)

millions of rubles
Federal district in which the credit institution extending mortgage loans is located 01.03.2014
Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals ? Residents ? borrowers of the Central Federal District Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals - Residents - borrowers of the North-West Federal District Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals - Residents - borrowers of the South Federal District Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals - Residents - borrowers of the North-Caucasian Federal District Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals - Residents - borrowers of the Privolzhsky Federal District Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals - Residents - borrowers of the Urals Federal District Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals - Residents - borrowers of the Siberia Federal District Volume of mortgage loans extended in rubles to Individuals - Residents - borrowers of the Far East Federal District
total of which: Moscow borrowers
Central Federal District 61,312 22,897 21,119 12,095 3,401 34,700 18,122 24,178 8,245
of which: Moscow 60,943 22,884 21,105 12,062 3,391 34,680 18,073 24,176 8,245
North-Western Federal District 339 149 2,191 40 22 131 37 52 17
Southern Federal District 44 4 152 783 33 5 7 11 3
North-Caucasian Federal District 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0
Volga Federal District 179 81 162 91 37 3,737 164 140 0
Ural Federal District 93 37 316 37 8 82 2,874 55 7
Siberian Federal District 6 1 18 2 3 17 18 857 2
Far-Eastern Federal District 53 31 116 7 21 11 115 293 696
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Last updated on: 06.04.2015