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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 1,041,129 98,391 175,008 184.8 184.0 11.90 11.95 97,826 174,330 185.3 184.6 11.90 11.94 30,865 61,497 190.3 190.8 11.50 11.61
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 347,412 24,174 56,813 186.8 185.5 11.84 11.89 24,057 56,471 187.7 186.2 11.83 11.88 9,631 24,265 194.0 195.1 11.46 11.59
Belgorod Region 9,014 819 1,197 183.3 182.8 12.06 12.03 791 1,187 184.5 184.1 12.04 12.01 144 260 189.8 194.5 11.58 11.65
Bryansk Region 5,692 736 1,020 183.4 178.3 11.85 11.91 733 1,019 183.5 178.4 11.84 11.91 287 428 189.3 178.7 11.43 11.50
Vladimir Region 6,148 920 1,408 184.4 183.4 11.90 11.92 915 1,406 184.6 183.5 11.90 11.92 248 424 196.4 202.3 11.22 11.17
Voronezh Region 12,264 1,627 2,388 200.5 200.2 11.86 11.88 1,620 2,385 200.7 200.4 11.86 11.88 701 1,054 206.5 205.1 11.58 11.66
Ivanovo Region 5,088 640 860 172.1 172.0 12.15 12.27 635 858 173.3 173.8 12.17 12.29 155 252 179.6 178.5 11.80 12.14
Kaluga Region 6,878 776 1,369 189.9 192.2 11.81 11.85 774 1,368 190.0 192.3 11.81 11.84 264 493 195.9 199.5 11.27 11.37
Kostroma Region 3,353 483 604 177.7 175.2 12.00 12.08 478 601 178.4 176.2 11.99 12.08 118 183 173.7 178.8 11.42 11.47
Kursk Region 6,262 760 1,027 187.2 187.7 11.94 12.06 754 1,025 187.6 188.0 11.93 12.05 174 248 184.8 184.1 11.48 11.79
Lipetsk Region 6,633 703 969 195.5 199.0 12.02 12.01 696 967 195.8 199.3 12.01 12.00 235 366 196.0 202.3 11.61 11.70
Moscow Region 75,986 5,309 14,183 185.3 184.4 11.75 11.83 5,298 14,085 186.4 184.4 11.75 11.83 2,315 6,312 192.0 190.9 11.47 11.67
Orel Region 4,139 597 855 189.6 195.2 11.84 11.85 597 855 189.6 195.2 11.84 11.85 187 288 191.0 200.5 11.50 11.54
Ryazan Region 6,612 935 1,359 177.9 176.3 11.92 12.01 934 1,345 179.6 179.1 11.92 12.00 449 668 181.7 181.8 11.58 11.65
Smolensk Region 5,525 612 1,022 199.5 201.5 11.91 11.91 612 1,022 199.5 201.5 11.91 11.91 206 382 205.6 207.8 11.55 11.62
Tambov Region 4,776 541 844 183.8 184.5 11.90 11.96 534 829 186.9 185.7 11.89 11.95 161 298 196.6 203.3 11.55 11.76
Tver Region 7,347 802 1,317 188.4 187.6 11.90 11.96 801 1,317 188.4 187.7 11.90 11.96 255 464 191.0 192.6 11.53 11.66
Tula Region 9,391 1,006 1,658 188.0 190.1 11.92 11.96 1,004 1,657 188.1 190.2 11.92 11.96 326 578 188.6 191.1 11.45 11.59
Yaroslavl Region 7,037 755 1,055 170.7 170.2 12.06 12.08 750 1,049 171.1 170.7 12.05 12.07 161 260 175.3 182.7 11.46 11.44
Moscow 165,267 6,153 23,680 187.5 184.8 11.81 11.85 6,131 23,498 188.6 186.0 11.81 11.85 3,245 11,306 196.0 197.8 11.43 11.55
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 133,881 12,182 23,165 179.8 179.7 11.83 11.87 12,132 23,103 180.2 180.3 11.82 11.87 5,358 10,592 183.1 184.5 11.56 11.61
Republic of Karelia 4,893 489 730 177.2 178.4 11.86 11.85 484 728 177.5 178.7 11.85 11.84 160 264 184.4 187.4 11.54 11.54
Republic of Komi 7,148 807 1,332 173.0 172.6 11.97 12.04 806 1,331 173.0 172.7 11.97 12.04 191 369 169.3 169.8 11.75 12.02
Arkhangelsk Region 9,138 1,138 1,863 165.7 166.0 11.91 12.01 1,132 1,861 165.8 166.1 11.91 12.00 267 546 168.2 166.8 11.56 11.72
including Nenets Autonomous Area 350 26 53 187.8 188.4 12.09 12.14 26 53 187.8 188.4 12.09 12.14 8 16 148.8 189.4 11.58 11.12
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 8,788 1,112 1,810 165.1 165.4 11.90 12.00 1,106 1,808 165.2 165.6 11.90 12.00 259 531 168.8 166.6 11.56 11.73
Vologda Region 7,835 1,094 1,358 176.7 180.4 11.93 11.92 1,078 1,351 177.4 181.3 11.92 11.90 356 491 180.7 189.4 11.31 11.27
Kaliningrad Region 7,227 608 960 179.3 180.3 11.94 12.00 608 960 179.3 180.3 11.94 12.00 267 406 176.1 170.6 11.57 11.67
Leningrad Region 15,047 1,521 3,023 184.8 184.5 11.78 11.82 1,510 2,983 187.0 188.2 11.77 11.81 725 1,428 191.2 194.4 11.61 11.67
Murmansk Region 8,143 593 1,009 159.9 162.4 11.99 12.09 593 1,009 159.9 162.4 11.99 12.09 173 360 163.6 170.2 11.59 11.71
Novgorod Region 4,010 439 584 185.7 188.0 11.89 11.90 437 583 185.9 188.1 11.88 11.89 149 238 193.2 197.0 11.51 11.61
Pskov Region 3,752 378 556 179.8 179.3 12.05 11.97 371 553 180.8 179.8 12.05 11.97 120 201 191.0 192.3 11.72 11.81
Saint Petersburg 66,689 5,115 11,751 183.6 182.6 11.76 11.81 5,113 11,743 183.6 182.8 11.76 11.81 2,950 6,289 184.4 185.1 11.54 11.58
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 81,917 7,521 11,843 191.4 190.6 12.01 12.05 7,503 11,824 191.5 190.7 12.00 12.05 2,526 4,040 195.0 195.3 11.57 11.64
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 2,122 160 259 193.9 189.3 12.20 12.09 159 256 194.8 189.3 12.17 12.09 49 77 199.8 210.7 11.75 11.91
Republic of Kalmykia 1,529 161 281 191.4 189.4 11.82 11.74 161 281 191.4 189.4 11.82 11.74 56 100 188.5 186.5 11.21 11.20
Republic of Crimea 1,700 87 148 179.5 175.7 12.41 12.65 86 147 179.9 176.3 12.39 12.63 28 51 191.9 188.6 11.79 12.14
Krasnodar Territory 33,625 2,847 4,620 194.8 192.6 12.10 12.17 2,839 4,608 194.9 192.7 12.09 12.18 1,225 1,854 198.4 197.0 11.61 11.68
Astrakhan Region 5,513 491 728 192.7 191.5 11.87 11.86 491 728 192.7 191.5 11.87 11.86 82 165 204.7 211.9 11.38 11.54
Volgograd Region 13,155 1,501 2,194 186.6 186.5 12.04 12.07 1,499 2,193 186.7 186.6 12.04 12.07 354 582 190.2 188.2 11.53 11.64
Rostov Region 23,857 2,231 3,524 190.6 191.4 11.88 11.94 2,225 3,521 190.7 191.5 11.88 11.93 724 1,193 191.7 194.3 11.55 11.62
Sevastopol 416 43 88 170.9 174.8 11.75 11.57 43 88 170.9 174.8 11.75 11.57 8 20 162.5 181.4 11.68 10.63
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 25,520 2,325 3,655 192.4 192.5 12.04 12.08 2,322 3,652 192.5 192.5 12.04 12.08 551 963 202.7 199.1 11.54 11.67
Republic of Daghestan 3,284 301 564 187.5 185.2 12.09 12.17 300 564 187.6 185.2 12.09 12.17 67 137 212.3 211.5 11.60 11.81
Republic of Ingushetia 321 19 34 191.0 190.2 11.76 11.83 19 34 191.0 190.2 11.76 11.83 4 7 227.4 193.5 11.40 11.80
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 2,435 221 351 184.9 186.6 11.94 11.94 220 349 185.8 186.6 11.94 11.94 53 101 190.6 193.3 11.80 11.99
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 1,450 130 197 214.5 217.5 12.28 12.22 130 197 214.5 217.5 12.28 12.22 25 40 231.6 244.4 11.56 11.96
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 2,678 244 417 187.3 189.5 12.03 12.01 244 417 187.3 189.5 12.03 12.01 78 139 201.1 198.2 11.60 11.64
Chechen Republic 1,754 41 75 168.5 171.4 12.35 12.42 41 75 168.5 171.4 12.35 12.42 4 10 135.7 156.8 11.80 11.75
Stavropol Territory 13,598 1,369 2,016 194.8 195.0 12.01 12.07 1,368 2,015 194.9 195.0 12.01 12.07 320 527 201.6 195.5 11.45 11.54
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 178,638 24,464 34,506 183.4 182.9 11.95 12.00 24,243 34,358 184.0 183.7 11.94 11.99 6,407 9,965 189.3 188.8 11.44 11.59
Republic of Bashkortostan 24,779 3,211 4,794 176.4 176.6 12.08 12.13 3,189 4,760 177.6 178.5 12.08 12.12 718 1,172 181.7 182.0 11.50 11.56
Mari El Republic 2,884 595 751 182.9 182.2 11.80 11.83 595 751 182.9 182.2 11.80 11.83 218 259 182.1 181.4 11.36 11.40
Republic of Mordovia 3,540 782 1,192 196.1 190.4 11.78 11.87 776 1,189 196.4 190.7 11.78 11.87 326 559 200.0 196.5 11.51 11.67
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 22,864 4,059 5,609 171.4 169.7 11.78 11.84 3,967 5,564 172.6 171.3 11.77 11.83 809 1,353 185.3 181.3 11.01 11.27
Udmurt Republic 9,870 1,379 1,755 178.4 177.4 11.99 12.03 1,370 1,751 178.7 177.7 11.99 12.03 342 533 188.5 186.6 11.46 11.58
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 5,891 1,165 1,696 199.6 201.7 11.95 12.02 1,156 1,694 199.7 202.0 11.95 12.03 384 624 200.0 206.5 11.51 11.56
Perm Territory 18,361 2,094 2,945 186.3 185.8 12.02 12.13 2,094 2,945 186.3 185.8 12.02 12.13 517 822 186.1 182.2 11.54 11.74
Kirov Region 6,155 1,285 1,639 194.3 191.5 12.00 12.14 1,278 1,636 194.5 191.8 11.99 12.13 383 485 194.7 190.5 11.53 11.83
Nizhny Novgorod Region 26,614 2,339 3,592 181.8 183.9 11.94 11.92 2,325 3,580 182.2 184.1 11.93 11.91 611 1,104 189.2 193.8 11.58 11.65
Orenburg Region 11,419 1,474 1,998 191.3 190.8 11.90 11.96 1,444 1,985 192.4 192.1 11.89 11.95 366 521 193.1 193.1 11.49 11.60
Penza Region 6,507 901 1,251 191.9 190.5 11.92 12.00 893 1,247 192.3 190.9 11.91 11.99 327 466 190.6 185.8 11.56 11.79
Samara Region 20,990 2,557 3,611 184.5 184.8 11.98 11.97 2,550 3,601 184.7 185.0 11.97 11.96 728 1,047 187.5 188.9 11.40 11.51
Saratov Region 11,977 1,450 2,105 193.6 193.0 12.02 12.10 1,444 2,092 194.5 193.2 12.02 12.10 286 521 196.6 194.0 11.51 11.77
Ulyanovsk Region 6,788 1,173 1,568 179.7 182.0 11.98 12.00 1,162 1,561 180.2 182.5 11.96 11.99 392 498 189.3 191.4 11.54 11.73
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 100,991 10,381 16,814 186.9 185.4 12.01 12.04 10,280 16,743 187.5 185.7 12.01 12.03 2,232 4,121 189.2 187.9 11.57 11.64
Kurgan Region 4,535 519 702 197.5 194.8 11.85 11.94 515 700 197.9 195.4 11.84 11.93 117 178 213.1 202.9 11.19 11.36
Sverdlovsk Region 33,386 3,021 5,026 188.7 188.6 12.05 12.07 3,018 5,012 189.1 188.7 12.05 12.07 690 1,364 194.7 195.5 11.66 11.69
Tyumen Region 40,167 3,798 7,585 196.6 193.7 11.98 12.00 3,771 7,560 196.8 194.0 11.97 11.99 862 1,843 188.9 185.3 11.52 11.56
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 18,473 1,684 3,590 190.9 188.8 12.09 12.11 1,680 3,582 191.1 189.1 12.08 12.11 364 843 184.7 182.6 11.51 11.55
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 7,653 697 1,682 200.3 195.3 11.85 11.89 689 1,673 200.6 195.6 11.84 11.88 153 402 188.8 191.3 11.48 11.34
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 14,042 1,417 2,313 202.6 200.3 11.91 11.90 1,402 2,304 202.9 200.6 11.89 11.88 345 598 194.9 186.1 11.56 11.71
Chelyabinsk Region 22,903 3,043 3,501 161.3 163.1 12.07 12.09 2,976 3,471 162.6 163.8 12.06 12.08 563 736 174.1 176.8 11.63 11.79
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 124,205 13,170 19,710 181.7 181.4 11.95 11.97 13,150 19,698 181.8 181.5 11.95 11.97 3,183 5,352 187.2 186.2 11.53 11.61
Altai Republic 943 44 58 193.8 197.6 12.07 12.24 44 58 193.8 197.6 12.07 12.24 8 17 232.2 250.7 11.29 11.42
Republic of Buryatia 5,313 384 595 179.1 182.4 12.11 12.05 382 594 179.2 182.6 12.11 12.05 80 110 179.5 175.1 11.52 11.57
Republic of Tuva 1,624 121 239 185.7 189.5 12.30 12.25 121 239 185.7 189.5 12.30 12.25 3 4 181.1 181.1 11.26 11.26
Republic of Khakassia 3,026 338 463 171.9 172.6 12.09 12.11 337 461 172.2 172.6 12.08 12.11 110 163 169.2 174.5 11.61 11.61
Altai Territory 11,951 1,417 1,783 185.3 185.3 12.09 12.10 1,411 1,780 185.5 185.5 12.08 12.09 280 401 194.7 196.9 11.58 11.67
Trans-Baikal Territory 5,917 486 822 174.8 176.0 12.08 12.12 486 822 174.8 176.0 12.08 12.12 80 152 173.7 166.6 11.57 11.71
Krasnoyarsk Territory 21,627 2,444 3,845 176.7 174.3 11.92 11.92 2,443 3,845 176.7 174.3 11.92 11.92 838 1,476 177.7 173.5 11.54 11.60
Irkutsk Region 17,782 1,874 2,827 173.2 172.7 11.87 11.86 1,869 2,823 173.4 172.7 11.87 11.86 359 608 181.1 182.7 11.57 11.62
Kemerovo Region 15,916 1,736 2,287 169.1 167.8 12.06 12.09 1,736 2,287 169.1 167.8 12.06 12.09 344 557 179.7 174.1 11.47 11.59
Novosibirsk Region 21,196 2,373 3,948 195.3 193.8 11.85 11.91 2,369 3,947 195.3 193.9 11.85 11.91 812 1,398 200.8 200.8 11.52 11.62
Omsk Region 11,621 1,269 1,812 192.8 196.5 11.91 11.93 1,268 1,811 192.8 196.5 11.91 11.93 158 289 205.1 214.1 11.54 11.69
Tomsk Region 7,289 684 1,031 184.3 186.0 12.00 11.95 684 1,031 184.3 186.0 12.00 11.95 111 178 186.4 185.8 11.37 11.44
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 48,565 4,174 8,503 180.9 181.6 11.87 11.91 4,139 8,482 181.3 181.8 11.86 11.91 977 2,201 183.8 187.8 11.53 11.65
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 8,702 1,012 2,328 183.2 186.8 11.80 11.81 984 2,317 184.0 187.6 11.80 11.81 408 1,004 185.7 193.9 11.65 11.73
Kamchatka Territory 3,092 226 471 176.1 169.5 12.04 11.93 223 464 178.0 169.8 12.02 11.93 40 92 185.5 179.9 11.40 11.41
Primorye Territory 13,432 1,049 2,036 177.4 177.3 11.90 11.98 1,048 2,035 177.5 177.4 11.90 11.98 192 378 169.7 170.5 11.49 11.65
Khabarovsk Territory 10,005 896 1,653 180.4 181.2 11.88 11.92 896 1,653 180.4 181.2 11.88 11.92 175 354 191.5 190.3 11.38 11.65
Amur Region 5,620 438 764 186.6 187.5 11.88 11.92 438 764 186.6 187.5 11.88 11.92 71 137 201.1 215.7 11.49 11.55
Magadan Region 2,002 173 343 179.9 180.5 11.74 11.88 173 343 179.9 180.5 11.74 11.88 26 59 183.2 183.3 11.21 11.43
Sakhalin Region 4,494 288 744 183.7 182.5 11.89 11.95 286 743 183.9 182.6 11.88 11.94 49 144 173.2 172.1 11.45 11.55
Jewish Autonomous Region 859 66 104 172.2 165.6 12.01 12.06 66 104 172.2 165.6 12.01 12.06 6 9 176.3 164.5 11.38 11.45
Chukotka Autonomous Area 358 26 60 180.7 185.5 11.99 11.98 25 59 182.7 187.9 11.92 11.90 10 23 176.5 176.5 11.30 11.30

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 14.11.2017