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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted by 30 Largest Banks to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 7,562,268 942,012 1,876,544 194.6 193.2 9.51 9.28 941,304 1,876,008 194.6 193.1 9.51 9.28 244,168 568,837 194.0 190.2 9.29 9.00
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 2,442,294 227,046 585,393 199.4 198.7 9.47 9.24 226,874 585,242 199.4 198.7 9.47 9.24 68,655 207,553 199.6 195.4 9.21 8.90
Belgorod Region 64,530 8,004 13,763 192.8 195.7 9.47 9.40 7,996 13,759 192.8 195.7 9.47 9.39 1,170 2,642 200.7 210.2 9.24 9.13
Bryansk Region 44,011 7,246 11,488 194.6 196.1 9.47 9.36 7,234 11,483 194.7 196.1 9.47 9.35 2,099 3,638 193.7 199.1 9.31 9.21
Vladimir Region 53,041 8,415 13,935 196.8 197.3 9.49 9.39 8,409 13,930 196.8 197.4 9.49 9.38 1,792 3,601 196.7 201.8 9.27 9.01
Voronezh Region 96,152 14,952 24,090 199.5 194.3 9.50 9.34 14,935 24,081 199.5 194.4 9.50 9.34 4,091 7,129 198.1 194.5 9.26 9.08
Ivanovo Region 33,832 5,268 8,254 185.6 188.5 9.54 9.40 5,250 8,247 185.7 188.5 9.53 9.40 1,059 2,214 196.1 193.7 9.39 9.03
Kaluga Region 55,053 8,005 16,103 196.3 192.2 9.43 9.23 8,001 16,102 196.3 192.2 9.43 9.23 1,989 4,438 194.7 179.7 9.26 9.03
Kostroma Region 23,712 4,566 6,569 188.8 190.3 9.47 9.42 4,562 6,568 188.9 190.3 9.47 9.42 915 1,583 192.2 180.7 9.32 9.25
Kursk Region 44,397 7,227 11,223 194.9 198.4 9.47 9.37 7,221 11,220 194.9 198.4 9.47 9.37 1,106 2,194 198.6 182.1 9.32 9.07
Lipetsk Region 45,521 6,783 10,842 201.3 200.5 9.52 9.33 6,752 10,828 201.5 201.2 9.51 9.33 1,275 2,553 203.7 201.4 9.32 8.84
Moscow Region 593,778 51,247 153,733 198.2 198.3 9.48 9.20 51,243 153,725 198.2 198.3 9.48 9.20 16,300 54,214 199.2 197.8 9.19 8.84
Orel Region 32,012 5,536 8,824 197.2 200.2 9.44 9.36 5,534 8,823 197.2 200.2 9.44 9.36 1,503 2,686 187.6 165.9 9.22 9.02
Ryazan Region 48,902 8,565 14,726 198.0 196.3 9.47 9.34 8,558 14,719 198.0 196.3 9.47 9.33 3,404 6,172 196.3 190.5 9.35 9.18
Smolensk Region 40,811 5,834 10,063 200.5 202.2 9.46 9.31 5,833 10,062 200.5 202.2 9.46 9.31 1,344 2,715 202.7 207.7 9.31 9.11
Tambov Region 38,098 5,910 9,949 204.8 200.0 9.49 9.29 5,899 9,945 204.8 200.1 9.48 9.29 1,606 2,950 203.9 196.3 9.36 9.17
Tver Region 58,018 8,925 16,220 202.1 205.2 9.50 9.38 8,920 16,218 202.1 205.2 9.50 9.38 1,855 4,021 201.8 202.2 9.34 9.06
Tula Region 72,583 9,792 18,130 195.9 199.3 9.50 9.34 9,789 18,128 195.9 199.3 9.50 9.34 2,652 5,500 196.6 197.1 9.34 9.13
Yaroslavl Region 56,288 8,267 12,985 188.1 189.1 9.54 9.35 8,256 12,969 188.1 189.1 9.53 9.35 1,611 3,114 193.4 196.3 9.36 9.10
Moscow 1,041,555 52,504 224,496 202.9 201.0 9.44 9.16 52,482 224,436 202.9 201.1 9.44 9.16 22,884 96,190 201.1 194.9 9.17 8.81
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 942,552 113,456 245,013 189.2 186.8 9.53 9.24 113,354 244,930 189.2 186.8 9.52 9.24 41,149 95,294 188.2 183.9 9.37 9.05
Republic of Karelia 36,644 5,168 8,589 182.1 183.3 9.46 9.33 5,155 8,583 182.2 183.3 9.46 9.33 1,607 3,116 188.6 192.8 9.31 9.12
Republic of Komi 54,961 8,118 14,687 184.2 187.8 9.44 9.24 8,116 14,686 184.2 187.8 9.44 9.24 2,046 4,111 175.6 176.9 9.28 9.13
Arkhangelsk Region 68,482 10,307 19,166 179.3 181.2 9.33 9.20 10,285 19,155 179.3 181.3 9.33 9.20 2,371 5,206 174.5 167.4 9.37 9.16
including Nenets Autonomous Area 3,182 377 899 183.2 171.2 6.62 5.74 377 899 183.2 171.2 6.62 5.74 71 171 173.0 156.2 9.04 9.31
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 65,301 9,930 18,268 179.1 181.6 9.46 9.31 9,908 18,257 179.1 181.6 9.46 9.31 2,300 5,035 174.5 167.6 9.38 9.16
Vologda Region 55,907 9,497 13,656 185.4 175.3 9.50 9.15 9,474 13,645 185.5 175.3 9.50 9.15 2,325 3,933 189.0 173.0 9.32 8.85
Kaliningrad Region 54,268 6,771 11,825 187.4 185.2 9.59 9.41 6,758 11,816 187.5 185.2 9.58 9.41 2,478 4,262 184.1 182.2 9.41 9.16
Leningrad Region 112,729 13,580 30,223 192.2 195.2 9.56 9.31 13,569 30,217 192.3 195.2 9.56 9.31 5,000 11,565 192.4 193.7 9.40 9.05
Murmansk Region 57,680 5,571 10,429 170.4 164.1 9.50 9.35 5,570 10,428 170.4 164.1 9.50 9.36 1,628 3,835 170.6 161.2 9.34 9.18
Novgorod Region 27,108 4,222 6,830 190.1 192.0 9.44 9.17 4,210 6,822 190.3 192.1 9.44 9.17 1,073 2,047 184.6 186.0 9.18 8.74
Pskov Region 25,315 3,599 5,722 190.4 186.7 9.48 9.26 3,599 5,722 190.4 186.7 9.48 9.26 964 1,820 191.1 196.0 9.38 9.07
Saint Petersburg 449,458 46,623 123,888 193.1 189.1 9.56 9.21 46,618 123,856 193.1 189.1 9.56 9.21 21,657 55,400 191.0 186.0 9.38 9.03
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 571,055 69,216 121,370 201.9 204.0 9.56 9.36 69,194 121,345 201.9 204.0 9.56 9.36 20,098 37,659 202.2 200.8 9.41 9.11
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 14,566 1,538 2,511 199.1 208.4 9.63 9.42 1,537 2,511 199.1 208.4 9.63 9.42 396 701 209.3 217.2 9.39 9.14
Republic of Kalmykia 13,412 1,726 3,344 204.6 211.3 9.51 9.39 1,726 3,344 204.6 211.3 9.51 9.39 429 1,064 209.0 203.2 9.38 9.24
Republic of Crimea 4,672 606 1,304 204.1 215.1 9.55 9.51 606 1,304 204.1 215.1 9.55 9.51 260 521 202.3 142.0 9.45 10.36
Krasnodar Territory 229,503 26,537 46,717 205.6 205.1 9.63 9.42 26,525 46,699 205.6 205.1 9.63 9.42 9,149 16,055 205.3 199.3 9.49 9.16
Astrakhan Region 41,868 5,173 9,190 205.3 213.4 9.47 9.30 5,173 9,190 205.3 213.4 9.47 9.30 889 1,913 204.1 223.4 9.35 8.97
Volgograd Region 95,656 13,740 22,414 196.1 202.0 9.50 9.32 13,740 22,414 196.1 202.0 9.50 9.32 2,772 5,461 196.6 202.7 9.35 9.10
Rostov Region 169,392 19,642 35,355 199.7 199.7 9.53 9.30 19,633 35,349 199.7 199.7 9.53 9.30 6,096 11,735 199.1 197.2 9.36 9.07
Sevastopol 1,987 254 535 195.1 207.4 9.46 8.94 254 535 195.1 207.4 9.46 8.94 107 210 200.1 236.0 9.27 8.76
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 189,844 22,157 39,266 202.6 201.2 9.55 9.40 22,150 39,264 202.6 201.0 9.55 9.40 3,893 8,071 202.4 205.8 9.34 9.12
Republic of Daghestan 23,485 2,472 5,743 212.2 209.3 9.48 9.20 2,472 5,743 212.2 209.3 9.48 9.20 441 1,295 218.6 220.6 9.32 8.90
Republic of Ingushetia 2,845 99 275 174.6 159.0 9.61 9.46 99 275 174.6 159.0 9.61 9.46 35 74 263.0 271.2 9.44 9.29
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 16,821 1,993 3,778 202.8 192.1 9.56 9.37 1,992 3,778 202.8 192.1 9.56 9.37 309 711 205.8 185.5 9.45 9.23
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 11,330 1,293 2,138 210.2 218.0 9.75 9.51 1,293 2,138 210.2 218.0 9.75 9.51 141 293 215.4 203.1 9.45 9.25
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 19,339 1,955 3,909 195.1 186.3 9.61 9.44 1,952 3,908 195.2 187.0 9.61 9.44 459 980 198.7 214.8 9.43 9.12
Chechen Republic 12,461 580 1,261 202.6 225.7 9.72 9.88 580 1,261 202.6 225.7 9.72 9.88 73 233 210.8 298.4 9.66 9.96
Stavropol Territory 103,564 13,765 22,162 201.0 200.6 9.52 9.40 13,762 22,161 201.0 200.1 9.52 9.40 2,435 4,485 195.7 191.5 9.28 9.06
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,349,559 231,080 372,972 192.4 190.7 9.50 9.26 230,798 372,805 192.4 190.5 9.50 9.26 52,863 98,036 191.5 188.7 9.24 8.94
Republic of Bashkortostan 193,856 35,492 59,900 183.6 182.3 9.52 9.30 35,468 59,874 183.6 180.5 9.52 9.30 8,886 16,686 184.3 183.5 9.37 9.13
Mari El Republic 27,648 5,581 8,107 188.4 193.6 9.50 9.27 5,581 8,107 188.4 193.6 9.50 9.27 1,238 2,065 190.2 189.2 9.36 9.06
Republic of Mordovia 29,055 5,201 9,157 206.0 208.7 9.43 9.28 5,180 9,147 206.2 208.8 9.43 9.28 1,385 2,960 204.2 199.4 9.28 9.06
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 187,819 33,438 59,074 190.2 189.3 9.50 9.26 33,399 59,051 190.2 189.3 9.50 9.26 7,849 16,079 192.2 189.8 9.06 8.87
Udmurt Republic 76,129 13,841 20,311 189.7 189.3 9.54 9.40 13,798 20,292 189.8 189.4 9.54 9.40 3,385 5,878 190.5 190.2 9.31 9.01
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 54,976 12,662 19,578 197.6 200.1 9.43 9.24 12,639 19,573 197.6 200.2 9.43 9.24 4,039 6,832 192.3 181.9 9.26 8.86
Perm Territory 137,759 19,904 31,511 191.4 183.9 9.56 9.16 19,889 31,500 191.4 183.9 9.56 9.16 4,454 8,160 189.9 186.5 9.36 8.85
Kirov Region 53,782 11,750 16,910 200.2 202.1 9.49 9.37 11,735 16,903 200.2 202.2 9.49 9.37 2,331 4,142 203.4 197.0 9.30 9.07
Nizhny Novgorod Region 147,276 21,287 36,925 191.0 192.5 9.51 9.31 21,268 36,906 191.0 192.6 9.50 9.31 4,449 9,000 193.4 192.1 9.28 8.93
Orenburg Region 88,899 16,496 24,888 198.4 200.1 9.50 9.39 16,455 24,875 198.5 200.1 9.50 9.39 3,513 5,706 190.1 196.1 9.25 9.01
Penza Region 50,605 8,043 12,651 195.6 191.8 9.46 9.21 8,038 12,649 195.6 191.8 9.46 9.21 2,100 3,689 191.9 182.7 9.25 8.89
Samara Region 155,365 21,728 35,664 195.0 184.4 9.44 8.86 21,713 35,648 195.0 184.5 9.44 8.86 4,407 8,518 189.7 178.7 8.98 8.30
Saratov Region 94,799 15,328 23,648 201.7 190.3 9.54 9.29 15,325 23,645 201.7 190.3 9.54 9.29 2,179 4,268 203.4 201.5 9.36 9.19
Ulyanovsk Region 51,592 10,329 14,648 190.3 194.5 9.50 9.34 10,310 14,636 190.4 194.6 9.50 9.34 2,648 4,052 189.4 194.5 9.33 9.10
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 723,845 98,904 187,054 194.6 189.4 9.55 9.23 98,861 186,995 194.6 189.4 9.55 9.23 23,079 49,382 190.6 185.3 9.40 9.14
Kurgan Region 34,228 5,681 8,351 203.5 201.5 9.49 9.30 5,680 8,351 203.5 201.6 9.49 9.30 995 1,688 206.2 205.9 9.44 9.09
Sverdlovsk Region 249,403 32,848 61,270 193.0 187.6 9.57 9.18 32,833 61,232 193.0 187.6 9.57 9.18 9,038 19,144 192.0 184.1 9.44 9.13
Tyumen Region 293,948 38,070 84,770 200.5 196.2 9.52 9.29 38,053 84,759 200.5 196.1 9.52 9.29 8,956 21,182 190.3 185.0 9.36 9.18
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 144,214 18,102 42,261 196.0 194.3 9.53 9.28 18,099 42,257 196.0 194.3 9.53 9.28 3,624 9,122 183.0 179.3 9.28 8.98
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 56,238 6,935 18,355 202.7 197.3 9.41 9.01 6,934 18,353 202.7 197.3 9.41 9.01 1,877 5,268 190.9 189.2 9.28 9.16
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 93,497 13,033 24,155 206.6 199.2 9.60 9.54 13,020 24,149 206.6 199.1 9.60 9.54 3,455 6,792 199.7 191.4 9.51 9.54
Chelyabinsk Region 146,265 22,305 32,663 180.2 165.8 9.61 9.13 22,295 32,653 180.2 165.8 9.61 9.13 4,090 7,368 184.3 182.8 9.39 9.05
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 961,156 137,852 228,225 188.0 185.4 9.52 9.31 137,800 228,194 188.0 185.5 9.52 9.31 26,148 50,995 187.5 183.4 9.35 9.05
Altai Republic 8,107 725 942 180.5 186.7 9.68 9.37 725 942 180.5 186.7 9.68 9.37 91 164 182.6 173.8 9.34 9.25
Republic of Buryatia 39,046 4,429 7,421 175.6 181.8 9.50 9.35 4,428 7,421 175.6 181.8 9.50 9.35 702 1,375 177.6 187.8 9.25 9.21
Republic of Tuva 13,801 1,382 2,992 191.2 189.9 9.45 9.45 1,382 2,992 191.2 189.9 9.45 9.45 65 176 198.3 165.7 8.68 9.23
Republic of Khakassia 21,986 3,452 5,204 180.0 175.0 9.49 9.34 3,451 5,204 180.1 175.1 9.49 9.33 584 1,018 178.9 171.5 9.33 9.23
Altai Territory 95,863 17,222 23,972 188.6 187.8 9.53 9.33 17,210 23,966 188.6 187.9 9.53 9.33 3,789 6,094 190.1 188.8 9.36 9.05
Trans-Baikal Territory 46,236 5,732 10,700 184.4 183.6 9.48 9.33 5,732 10,700 184.4 183.6 9.48 9.33 803 1,894 184.2 176.0 9.40 9.00
Krasnoyarsk Territory 164,558 23,781 41,334 180.4 177.2 9.56 9.29 23,778 41,331 180.4 177.2 9.56 9.29 6,235 12,527 174.8 173.5 9.40 9.02
Irkutsk Region 138,510 17,432 29,573 178.4 176.4 9.53 9.35 17,423 29,569 178.4 176.4 9.53 9.35 2,804 5,542 174.8 171.9 9.36 9.11
Kemerovo Region 121,759 18,553 27,320 176.7 174.7 9.50 9.32 18,547 27,317 176.7 174.8 9.50 9.32 2,941 5,464 178.2 170.8 9.30 8.95
Novosibirsk Region 162,902 23,174 42,905 204.5 200.4 9.55 9.29 23,161 42,899 204.5 200.4 9.55 9.29 5,906 11,850 206.9 200.8 9.39 9.15
Omsk Region 92,208 14,375 23,044 203.3 202.4 9.48 9.22 14,368 23,037 203.3 202.4 9.48 9.22 1,485 3,218 202.5 196.9 9.28 8.88
Tomsk Region 56,179 7,595 12,819 187.8 185.7 9.48 9.29 7,595 12,819 187.8 185.7 9.48 9.29 743 1,675 195.0 204.1 9.17 8.53
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 381,961 42,301 97,251 190.5 193.4 9.54 9.43 42,273 97,233 190.5 193.5 9.54 9.43 8,283 21,847 183.7 184.1 9.39 9.16
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 75,857 9,024 23,601 192.1 193.8 9.62 9.48 9,002 23,587 192.1 193.9 9.62 9.48 2,886 7,974 188.6 185.5 9.54 9.25
Kamchatka Territory 23,820 2,277 5,223 177.7 176.2 9.53 9.52 2,276 5,223 177.7 176.2 9.53 9.52 517 1,327 162.7 167.2 9.40 9.31
Primorye Territory 98,941 9,890 22,121 189.8 195.5 9.56 9.44 9,889 22,120 189.8 195.5 9.56 9.44 1,475 3,665 185.0 190.0 9.33 9.21
Khabarovsk Territory 80,949 9,220 20,070 197.4 200.9 9.51 9.41 9,220 20,070 197.4 201.0 9.51 9.41 1,359 3,550 191.7 196.6 9.27 9.08
Amur Region 41,835 5,650 10,832 188.5 193.4 9.51 9.40 5,647 10,830 188.6 193.4 9.51 9.40 657 1,390 184.1 164.7 9.37 9.08
Magadan Region 13,197 1,597 3,482 179.9 179.5 9.49 9.40 1,596 3,482 179.9 179.5 9.49 9.40 341 907 172.4 187.9 9.40 9.18
Sakhalin Region 36,499 3,308 9,262 188.4 189.3 9.47 9.31 3,308 9,262 188.4 189.3 9.47 9.31 864 2,521 172.8 177.3 9.17 8.88
Jewish Autonomous Region 7,014 939 1,597 189.7 203.5 9.53 9.47 939 1,597 189.7 203.5 9.53 9.47 60 141 182.1 188.0 9.28 9.20
Chukotka Autonomous Area 3,848 396 1,063 174.9 170.1 9.38 9.36 396 1,063 174.9 170.1 9.38 9.36 124 372 167.9 157.7 9.19 9.20

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 30.08.2019