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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted by 30 Largest Banks to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 1,368,548 161,958 289,056 186.5 186.8 11.73 11.61 161,627 288,892 186.6 186.8 11.73 11.61 51,611 104,638 189.7 189.1 11.40 11.31
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 463,085 39,884 92,299 189.8 189.6 11.65 11.54 39,802 92,255 189.8 189.6 11.65 11.54 15,898 41,314 193.2 192.1 11.39 11.35
Belgorod Region 11,962 1,311 1,948 185.5 188.2 11.86 11.69 1,291 1,940 186.0 188.5 11.85 11.68 248 470 189.1 187.6 11.27 10.99
Bryansk Region 7,757 1,299 1,781 181.4 181.7 11.76 11.65 1,295 1,780 181.5 181.8 11.76 11.65 483 735 187.3 187.6 11.36 11.32
Vladimir Region 7,777 1,532 2,251 187.7 186.3 11.79 11.72 1,531 2,251 187.7 186.3 11.79 11.72 397 677 194.5 192.2 11.31 11.35
Voronezh Region 16,392 2,621 3,858 201.5 204.7 11.71 11.62 2,616 3,855 201.6 204.8 11.71 11.62 1,083 1,680 209.0 214.5 11.49 11.47
Ivanovo Region 5,604 987 1,356 174.4 173.5 11.92 11.79 981 1,353 174.7 173.7 11.91 11.79 242 405 179.6 181.2 11.44 11.19
Kaluga Region 9,173 1,287 2,330 190.3 192.3 11.68 11.57 1,281 2,328 190.5 192.5 11.68 11.57 442 904 200.0 205.2 11.29 11.24
Kostroma Region 4,387 780 996 179.7 180.1 11.85 11.68 776 994 179.9 180.3 11.85 11.68 192 299 177.4 190.3 11.27 11.12
Kursk Region 8,296 1,274 1,754 188.6 190.6 11.82 11.69 1,272 1,754 188.6 190.6 11.82 11.69 306 478 189.9 196.2 11.43 11.38
Lipetsk Region 7,838 1,229 1,728 196.4 197.9 11.92 11.83 1,223 1,726 196.6 197.9 11.92 11.84 391 629 198.1 201.9 11.56 11.54
Moscow Region 101,869 8,590 22,873 188.1 191.1 11.59 11.49 8,580 22,862 188.1 191.0 11.59 11.49 3,768 10,617 192.7 195.3 11.40 11.37
Orel Region 5,431 1,025 1,456 187.0 186.7 11.75 11.61 1,025 1,456 187.0 186.7 11.75 11.61 325 516 185.8 182.7 11.45 11.35
Ryazan Region 8,452 1,489 2,158 181.0 181.3 11.77 11.65 1,489 2,158 181.0 181.3 11.77 11.65 634 948 181.4 178.5 11.48 11.36
Smolensk Region 7,619 1,099 1,785 195.0 190.5 11.76 11.60 1,099 1,785 195.0 190.5 11.76 11.60 344 634 206.9 210.5 11.45 11.38
Tambov Region 6,376 988 1,503 190.5 195.2 11.74 11.60 981 1,500 190.8 195.4 11.74 11.60 312 552 196.3 198.0 11.36 11.22
Tver Region 9,669 1,486 2,459 188.3 188.6 11.67 11.46 1,485 2,459 188.3 188.5 11.67 11.46 442 858 195.9 202.3 11.27 11.03
Tula Region 12,869 1,752 2,870 188.4 190.5 11.78 11.64 1,750 2,869 188.5 190.5 11.78 11.64 559 997 191.4 196.6 11.42 11.40
Yaroslavl Region 9,093 1,381 1,913 175.4 178.9 11.89 11.72 1,377 1,908 175.6 179.0 11.89 11.72 307 482 177.3 179.9 11.40 11.32
Moscow 222,521 9,754 37,280 192.1 189.0 11.59 11.48 9,750 37,278 192.1 189.0 11.59 11.48 5,423 19,432 193.0 187.7 11.38 11.36
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 174,856 20,682 39,495 180.3 180.2 11.67 11.58 20,630 39,473 180.4 180.2 11.67 11.58 9,066 18,125 182.2 181.3 11.45 11.33
Republic of Karelia 7,064 881 1,345 175.1 173.4 11.73 11.62 875 1,343 175.3 173.4 11.72 11.62 271 457 180.6 176.3 11.39 11.21
Republic of Komi 9,957 1,406 2,318 178.9 184.5 11.82 11.70 1,405 2,317 178.9 184.5 11.82 11.70 341 628 171.8 172.5 11.49 11.20
Arkhangelsk Region 12,518 1,980 3,237 166.7 167.8 11.86 11.81 1,972 3,234 166.8 167.9 11.85 11.80 454 917 169.4 171.4 11.54 11.54
including Nenets Autonomous Area 590 56 120 182.4 178.1 11.81 11.58 56 120 182.4 178.1 11.81 11.58 14 29 163.0 179.6 11.22 10.88
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 11,928 1,924 3,116 166.1 167.3 11.86 11.82 1,916 3,114 166.2 167.4 11.86 11.82 440 887 169.6 171.1 11.55 11.57
Vologda Region 10,391 1,861 2,412 177.5 177.8 11.77 11.64 1,843 2,404 177.9 178.1 11.76 11.63 608 859 179.8 178.4 11.31 11.32
Kaliningrad Region 9,370 1,069 1,694 179.7 180.4 11.73 11.60 1,068 1,694 179.7 180.5 11.73 11.60 475 732 174.0 173.3 11.42 11.28
Leningrad Region 19,792 2,500 4,875 185.1 183.3 11.70 11.69 2,490 4,870 185.3 183.4 11.70 11.69 1,179 2,328 187.0 183.1 11.53 11.44
Murmansk Region 11,291 1,040 1,726 161.6 165.1 11.97 11.95 1,040 1,726 161.6 165.1 11.97 11.95 286 608 163.2 166.6 11.53 11.49
Novgorod Region 5,233 786 1,060 184.0 180.6 11.71 11.59 780 1,058 184.2 180.9 11.70 11.58 277 420 184.1 175.5 11.40 11.22
Pskov Region 5,014 668 996 178.9 176.0 11.93 11.82 668 996 178.9 176.0 11.93 11.82 209 344 189.2 187.2 11.50 11.29
Saint Petersburg 84,226 8,491 19,831 183.8 183.0 11.57 11.46 8,489 19,830 183.8 183.0 11.57 11.46 4,966 10,833 184.4 183.9 11.43 11.31
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 98,732 11,575 18,261 191.4 191.9 11.79 11.62 11,561 18,242 191.5 192.0 11.78 11.62 3,892 6,303 193.6 193.3 11.44 11.35
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 2,665 229 355 194.5 194.7 11.97 11.70 229 355 194.5 194.7 11.97 11.70 68 107 200.9 207.9 11.59 11.28
Republic of Kalmykia 2,238 280 506 200.6 210.9 11.67 11.59 280 506 200.6 210.9 11.67 11.59 106 192 192.4 196.4 11.37 11.53
Republic of Crimea 485 54 114 192.5 197.8 11.72 11.69 54 114 192.5 197.8 11.72 11.69 27 63 209.3 215.1 11.62 11.60
Krasnodar Territory 40,322 4,429 7,138 192.2 190.0 11.87 11.64 4,420 7,127 192.2 190.0 11.87 11.64 1,902 2,900 192.6 188.5 11.50 11.38
Astrakhan Region 7,259 832 1,316 197.4 198.8 11.81 11.73 832 1,316 197.4 198.8 11.81 11.73 160 303 199.6 193.6 11.30 11.19
Volgograd Region 16,886 2,510 3,672 187.0 187.9 11.79 11.63 2,510 3,672 187.0 187.9 11.79 11.63 615 1,002 191.1 193.9 11.43 11.35
Rostov Region 28,564 3,201 5,084 191.1 193.2 11.66 11.55 3,196 5,076 191.3 193.5 11.65 11.54 1,001 1,705 195.0 199.0 11.37 11.29
Sevastopol 313 40 77 175.5 180.0 11.67 12.02 40 77 175.5 180.0 11.67 12.02 13 31 181.4 205.7 11.77 11.97
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 33,371 3,973 6,244 191.6 191.2 11.95 11.86 3,972 6,244 191.6 191.2 11.95 11.86 943 1,632 199.3 195.0 11.50 11.45
Republic of Daghestan 3,984 495 958 190.1 193.2 11.93 11.82 494 958 190.1 193.2 11.92 11.82 110 245 203.8 192.3 11.54 11.47
Republic of Ingushetia 430 32 56 177.9 156.3 11.74 11.70 32 56 177.9 156.3 11.74 11.70 4 7 227.4 0.0 11.40 0.00
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 3,137 364 565 188.9 195.4 11.93 11.92 364 565 188.9 195.4 11.93 11.92 88 167 192.8 197.7 11.68 11.51
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 1,974 212 336 203.4 188.6 12.13 11.91 212 336 203.4 188.6 12.13 11.91 32 53 221.8 196.6 11.42 11.23
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 3,562 410 697 186.7 187.0 11.90 11.75 410 697 186.7 187.0 11.90 11.75 130 231 201.2 201.3 11.52 11.39
Chechen Republic 1,972 80 145 162.6 156.3 12.17 11.96 80 145 162.6 156.3 12.17 11.96 10 30 139.7 141.7 11.68 11.62
Stavropol Territory 18,311 2,380 3,486 193.6 193.1 11.95 11.87 2,380 3,486 193.6 193.1 11.95 11.87 569 899 199.3 196.6 11.46 11.46
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 232,438 39,954 57,528 185.7 185.6 11.77 11.63 39,815 57,468 185.8 185.7 11.76 11.63 11,041 17,465 188.9 188.2 11.31 11.18
Republic of Bashkortostan 32,423 5,426 8,210 177.4 177.1 11.86 11.68 5,415 8,205 177.4 177.2 11.85 11.67 1,408 2,371 180.6 181.4 11.32 11.18
Mari El Republic 3,774 1,065 1,310 183.8 184.6 11.77 11.75 1,065 1,310 183.8 184.6 11.77 11.75 356 434 180.8 179.0 11.30 11.20
Republic of Mordovia 4,547 1,153 1,731 198.9 198.5 11.75 11.75 1,146 1,728 199.2 198.7 11.75 11.75 431 733 203.9 202.6 11.38 11.13
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 27,168 5,785 9,002 181.1 181.4 11.54 11.39 5,769 8,995 181.2 181.5 11.54 11.38 1,495 2,535 183.2 181.3 10.89 10.73
Udmurt Republic 13,474 2,505 3,318 182.0 183.2 11.86 11.75 2,484 3,310 182.2 183.6 11.86 11.75 648 1,022 191.3 194.0 11.41 11.35
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 7,633 2,112 2,962 198.8 198.5 11.65 11.32 2,099 2,959 198.9 198.6 11.65 11.32 746 1,128 197.2 193.5 11.38 11.24
Perm Territory 25,224 3,517 4,998 184.7 184.6 11.79 11.65 3,514 4,997 184.7 184.6 11.79 11.64 880 1,437 188.2 191.5 11.38 11.30
Kirov Region 7,745 2,215 2,864 193.7 192.7 11.84 11.66 2,206 2,860 193.8 192.8 11.84 11.65 661 871 193.7 191.9 11.42 11.30
Nizhny Novgorod Region 36,176 3,931 6,066 182.4 183.2 11.80 11.76 3,917 6,060 182.5 183.4 11.80 11.76 1,062 1,932 187.8 186.2 11.39 11.23
Orenburg Region 14,668 2,490 3,436 192.6 193.6 11.81 11.62 2,475 3,431 192.8 193.8 11.80 11.62 625 917 197.3 201.3 11.37 11.26
Penza Region 8,776 1,517 2,117 191.2 191.7 11.83 11.80 1,506 2,111 191.5 191.9 11.82 11.80 545 811 191.6 193.8 11.38 11.27
Samara Region 25,694 3,726 5,324 185.7 185.4 11.72 11.55 3,721 5,317 185.8 185.5 11.72 11.56 1,020 1,534 189.2 188.4 11.27 11.17
Saratov Region 15,874 2,506 3,566 194.7 195.2 11.94 11.86 2,506 3,566 194.7 195.2 11.94 11.86 508 885 194.7 192.2 11.51 11.46
Ulyanovsk Region 9,261 2,006 2,624 183.9 182.0 11.82 11.67 1,992 2,618 184.2 182.2 11.81 11.67 656 855 187.1 185.4 11.45 11.34
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 126,703 15,950 26,754 189.4 189.9 11.81 11.69 15,943 26,751 189.4 189.9 11.81 11.68 3,657 6,780 189.6 190.4 11.44 11.28
Kurgan Region 6,091 899 1,195 191.7 185.7 11.76 11.73 899 1,195 191.7 185.7 11.76 11.73 171 276 201.5 183.4 11.19 11.29
Sverdlovsk Region 43,576 5,194 8,658 187.0 187.1 11.91 11.82 5,192 8,657 187.0 187.1 11.91 11.81 1,210 2,401 193.3 193.8 11.53 11.38
Tyumen Region 50,829 5,699 11,573 198.6 200.1 11.75 11.58 5,696 11,572 198.6 200.1 11.75 11.58 1,259 2,724 192.7 197.9 11.36 11.16
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 23,238 2,559 5,444 193.9 196.6 11.88 11.79 2,559 5,444 193.9 196.6 11.88 11.79 517 1,196 186.3 190.9 11.30 11.15
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 10,092 1,076 2,654 201.5 200.7 11.63 11.41 1,076 2,654 201.5 200.7 11.63 11.41 239 620 189.8 188.4 11.40 11.28
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 17,499 2,064 3,475 203.7 205.3 11.65 11.40 2,061 3,473 203.7 205.4 11.65 11.40 503 907 203.2 212.4 11.41 11.12
Chelyabinsk Region 26,207 4,158 5,327 172.6 173.9 11.81 11.70 4,156 5,326 172.6 173.9 11.81 11.70 1,017 1,378 174.6 172.7 11.47 11.34
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 170,723 22,854 33,882 181.4 181.6 11.80 11.71 22,835 33,874 181.4 181.6 11.80 11.71 5,470 9,251 186.5 186.5 11.43 11.33
Altai Republic 1,429 83 106 180.9 165.1 12.15 12.28 83 106 180.9 165.1 12.15 12.28 15 27 221.2 202.1 11.51 11.97
Republic of Buryatia 7,148 651 1,016 175.7 171.3 11.98 11.79 651 1,016 175.7 171.3 11.98 11.79 134 206 180.0 180.0 11.38 11.23
Republic of Tuva 2,416 202 396 192.6 200.5 12.19 12.03 202 396 192.6 200.5 12.19 12.03 11 25 202.2 206.6 11.42 11.45
Republic of Khakassia 3,880 599 811 169.1 166.9 11.87 11.72 599 811 169.1 166.9 11.87 11.72 173 259 173.7 181.3 11.44 11.20
Altai Territory 17,306 2,590 3,219 185.0 184.3 11.91 11.75 2,581 3,214 185.2 184.4 11.91 11.74 512 709 191.4 188.9 11.44 11.28
Trans-Baikal Territory 8,860 892 1,509 178.4 183.2 11.95 11.81 892 1,509 178.4 183.2 11.95 11.81 144 303 184.8 196.4 11.34 11.14
Krasnoyarsk Territory 30,270 4,275 6,690 176.7 177.9 11.78 11.67 4,274 6,690 176.7 177.9 11.78 11.67 1,396 2,444 176.0 174.9 11.49 11.43
Irkutsk Region 25,348 3,329 5,017 170.7 168.0 11.81 11.80 3,325 5,016 170.8 168.0 11.81 11.79 653 1,136 177.3 173.1 11.43 11.27
Kemerovo Region 21,377 2,953 3,837 170.4 172.6 11.93 11.90 2,953 3,837 170.4 172.6 11.93 11.90 551 879 177.7 173.1 11.42 11.37
Novosibirsk Region 26,481 3,817 6,249 196.0 196.5 11.68 11.64 3,814 6,248 196.0 196.5 11.68 11.65 1,418 2,451 201.7 203.1 11.39 11.31
Omsk Region 16,046 2,253 3,164 191.4 190.6 11.71 11.59 2,251 3,163 191.4 190.7 11.70 11.59 246 440 199.4 191.2 11.48 11.37
Tomsk Region 10,162 1,210 1,868 186.0 185.5 11.72 11.51 1,210 1,868 186.0 185.5 11.72 11.51 217 372 190.3 194.2 11.35 11.41
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 68,640 7,086 14,594 185.1 189.5 11.71 11.56 7,069 14,586 185.1 189.5 11.71 11.55 1,644 3,769 187.7 193.6 11.40 11.27
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 12,600 1,595 3,792 185.7 188.3 11.69 11.54 1,583 3,787 185.8 188.5 11.69 11.54 653 1,639 186.3 187.2 11.46 11.18
Kamchatka Territory 4,403 375 782 174.9 170.8 11.95 11.92 374 782 175.0 171.0 11.94 11.90 66 162 190.0 199.1 11.40 11.45
Primorye Territory 17,856 1,848 3,610 181.6 185.3 11.68 11.47 1,848 3,610 181.6 185.3 11.68 11.47 370 747 177.3 186.7 11.38 11.30
Khabarovsk Territory 14,703 1,456 2,721 186.0 193.0 11.70 11.59 1,456 2,721 186.0 193.0 11.70 11.59 261 548 205.3 225.0 11.31 11.31
Amur Region 7,970 805 1,401 190.8 195.6 11.75 11.63 803 1,400 190.9 195.8 11.74 11.61 116 219 195.4 186.0 11.44 11.36
Magadan Region 2,447 296 577 182.6 188.3 11.70 11.67 296 577 182.6 188.3 11.70 11.67 50 107 182.6 181.8 11.35 11.53
Sakhalin Region 6,909 540 1,406 189.3 195.0 11.66 11.44 538 1,405 189.4 195.0 11.65 11.44 103 294 183.5 194.4 11.32 11.26
Jewish Autonomous Region 1,263 125 201 194.1 212.4 11.71 11.52 125 201 194.1 212.4 11.71 11.52 9 16 213.0 254.9 11.15 11.07
Chukotka Autonomous Area 489 46 104 195.1 211.0 11.88 11.83 46 104 195.1 211.0 11.88 11.83 16 37 183.2 194.4 11.34 11.39

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 09.06.2017