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Methodological notes on from-whom-to-whom tables of financial accounts of the system of national accounts of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

Financial accounts from-whom-to-whom tables compile in compliance with the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA-2008)1 and contain detailed information on the creditor/debtor relationship by financial instrument.

From-whom-to-whom matrix represent a set of statistical indicators by a specific financial instrument, where the sectors’ balance sheet positions or financial transactions are given by counterparty sector (i.e. creditors and borrowers are shown for each asset and liability).

The presented statistical information compiles in two formats: as a matrix or as time series. From-whom-to-whom matrix shows assets by sector of the economy horizontally and liabilities — vertically. Interrelations within one sector shown at the intersections of respective columns and rows.

II. From-whom-to-whom tables by the F.2 instrument (currency and deposits)

From-whom-to-whom tables compile for the following sectors of the economy2:

Code in SNA-2008 Sector (subsector)
S121 + S122 Deposit-taking corporations (сentral bank and other depository corporations)
S124 Investment funds
S125 Other financial corporations
S128 Insurance companies
S129 Private pension funds
S13 General government
S11 Non-financial corporations
S14 + S15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
S2 Rest of the world

Classification and definitions of financial instruments in from-whom-to-whom tables correspond to SNA-2008.

Currency and deposits include currency (F.21, SNA-2008: 11.52), transferable deposits (F.22, SNA-2008: 11.54) and other deposits (F.29, SNA-2008: 11.59).

Currency consists of all notes and coins issued by central banks. Currency may be a liability only of two sectors, i.e. the subsector of the central bank (the currency of the Russian Federation) and the sector of the rest of the world (foreign currency). Currency may be an asset of institutional units in any sector.

Deposits include bank accounts, demand deposits, letters of credit, fixed-term deposits, financial corporations’ required reserves with the Bank of Russia and the reserve position in the IMF. Transactions between credit institutions (including non-resident banks), that involve both deposits and loans, are classified as deposits in accordance with the SNA-2008 (Inter-bank Position, F.221, SNA-2008: 11.56). Deposits can be the liabilities only for units within the deposit-taking corporations subsector and within the rest of the world sector.

The from-whom-to-whom tables compile on a non-consolidated basis, which implies that transactions in assets and the corresponding transactions in liabilities not eliminated within one institutional sector.

In some cases, there may be insignificant discrepancy between the total amount and the sum of components, as well as between respective indicators of financial accounts and balance sheets of financial assets and liabilities due to the rounding of data.

III. Data sources

The following data sources use for the compilation of the from-whom-to-whom tables by the currency and deposits:

Data sources name Abbreviation
Monetary statistics MS
International investment position of the Russian Federation IIP
Reporting form 0420502. Information on net asset value including the value of assets (property) of investment fund. 0420502
Reporting forms of a Mortgage-backed Manager MPC (mortgage participation certificate)
Reporting forms of the State Corporation „Deposit Insurance Agency” DIA
Reporting forms of non-financial corporations (Forms 0420001; 0420410; 0420801; 0420816; 0420820; 0420890) NFC
Federal statistical report form № P-6 „Information on the financial investments and liabilities” (P-6) P-6
Federal statistical report form „Information on financial investments and liabilities of insurance companies” (1-FS (SK)) 1-FS (SK)
Federal statistical report form „Information on financial transactions of private pension funds” (1-FS (NPF)) 1-FS (PPF)
Reporting form 0507022 „Consolidated budgetary and extra budgetary units’ balance sheet” 0507022
Estimate E

In the absence of data on counterparts of transactions, some indicators in from-whom-to-whom table estimate using algorithms based on available sectoral accounts and balances as a residual or on a pro rata basis. The pro rata method employs relative asset and liability shares of sectors-counterparts in the total volume of assets/liabilities.

Mathematical techniques use to fill the gaps and to balance available data in from-whom-to-whom tables (specifically, the RAS method — a biproportional adjustment model).

The use of data source schemes for the compilation of from-whom-to-whom tables by the F.2 instrument (currency and deposits)

  Liabilities of the following sectors:
S121 + S122 S124 S125 S128 S129 S13 S11 S14 + S15 S2 Total for all counterparts
Assets of the following sectors:   S121 + S122 Banking system MS IIP Total
S124 Investment funds 0420502 / MPC 0420502 / MPC 0420502 / MPC
S125 Other financial intermediaries MS / DIA / NFC / P-6 MS / DIA / NFC / P-6 Total
S128 Insurance corporations 1-FS (SK) 1-FS (SK) 1-FS (SK)
S129 Pension funds 1-FS (PPF) 1-FS (PPF) 1-FS (PPF)
S13 General government MS / E IIP / E MS / IIP / 0507022
S11 Non-financial corporations MS / E P-6 / IIP Total
S14 + S15 Households and NPISHs MS / E IIP / E MS / IIP / E
S2 Rest of the world IIP IIP
  Total for all counterparts Total IIP Total

1 European Commission, IMF, OECD, UN, World Bank, 2009
2 A detailed description of sectors and subsectors of the economy and financial instruments provides in the Methodological notes on financial accounts and the financial balance sheets of the system of national accounts of the Russian Federation on the Bank of Russia website (Statistics / Macroeconomic Financial Statistics / Financial Accounts and Financial Balance Sheets).
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Last updated on: 20.03.2020