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Investment Portfolio of Credit Institutions

millions of rubles

31.01 28.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07 31.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12
Investments in debt obligations — total 9,354,958 9,241,981 9,019,681 9,046,395 9,306,396 9,604,762 9,793,588 10,270,552 9,665,007 9,854,895 9,924,154 9,924,154
of which:
Investments in debt obligations at balance-sheet value (regardless revaluation) by kinds of instruments
federal government obligations 3,446,590 3,504,338 3,260,990 3,185,641 3,245,211 3,261,360 3,010,540 3,048,319 3,164,731 3,328,994 3,397,463 3,397,463
the Bank of Russia bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144,141 150,866 320,399 302,550 302,550
debt obligations of the RF constituent entities and local authorities 267,857 265,483 270,386 256,972 261,353 258,982 252,391 267,264 312,063 324,249 349,155 349,155
debt obligations issued by resident credit institutions 422,370 416,045 388,287 388,445 403,113 423,336 397,044 392,280 398,275 409,221 410,195 410,195
debt obligations issued by nonresidents 2,078,967 1,996,291 1,930,751 1,917,094 2,042,798 2,113,845 2,155,783 2,187,928 2,016,704 1,972,770 1,972,592 1,972,592
other debt obligations of residents 1,542,372 1,640,292 1,541,046 1,583,249 1,770,785 1,793,269 1,802,613 1,989,550 1,953,532 2,025,792 2,017,161 2,017,161
debt obligations transferred that do not quality for the derecognition 1,499,465 1,325,189 1,507,663 1,578,278 1,444,158 1,628,792 2,054,432 2,088,969 1,581,502 1,379,280 1,391,785 1,391,785
overdue debt obligations 21,514 21,085 21,741 21,896 21,806 21,291 21,207 21,521 20,908 28,535 28,641 28,641
revaluation of debt obligations 75,825 73,257 98,818 114,818 117,172 103,887 99,579 130,579 66,426 65,654 54,611 54,611
Memo: provision for losses on debt obligations 53,453 54,097 57,404 51,877 57,522 57,296 56,498 58,754 152,319 167,366 233,246 233 246
Investment in equities — total 368,827 352,987 367,682 357,357 351,319 379,406 368,796 418,482 414,623 412,962 501,121 501 121
of which  
Investment in equities at balance-sheet value (regardless revaluation)  
of residents credit institutions 2,559 2,533 3,246 3,298 5,115 4,324 3,272 41,485 42,621 42,985 3,288 3 288
of nonresidents 48,057 49,731 48,096 44,794 44,282 55,016 52,292 63,904 70,799 70,423 82,909 82 909
of other residents 164,027 157,650 199,316 207,317 202,028 212,847 226,750 223,723 219,631 221,246 286,881 286 881
shares transferred that do not quality for the derecognition 15,526 17,433 2,170 2,010 652 4,408 4,670 22,770 13,392 11,897 4,824 4 824
revaluation of equities 44,329 31,402 18,037 6,856 -9,333 -2,092 -9,740 -15,668 -20,089 -24,049 -7,707 -7 707
Memo: provision for losses on equities 26,889 27,562 27,444 17,967 18,279 17,247 16,821 16,301 19,922 21,182 64,353 64 353
Equity in subsidiaries and associated companies 1,556,493 1,559,780 1,555,345 1,546,004 1,560,116 1,564,625 1,632,464 1,676,716 1,788,340 1,801,145 1,745,428 1,745,428
of which
shares of subsidiaries and associated resident credit institutions
401,141 401,141 398,769 396,305 398,999 401,207 401,207 403,769 433,027 434,020 435,779 435,779
Memo: provision for losses on equity in subsidiaries and associated companies 167,832 171,969 179,590 176,914 147,908 147,973 149,131 159,642 174,373 200,766 217,071 1,166,129
Other equity interest 882,378 904,394 883,053 890,514 896,179 900,481 901,093 928,488 1,151,635 1,153,889 1,166,129 138,747
Memo: provision for losses on other equity interest 59,561 62,910 61,613 62,260 62,469 58,357 58,684 61,202 85,995 86,787 150,356 241,127
Discounted bills 175,988 175,314 157,477 155,830 150,809 154,942 155,677 152,833 138,691 138,716 138,747 136,684

Updated on 22 February 2018.

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Last updated on: 12.08.2019