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Structure of Investment Portfolio of Credit Institutions

millions of rubles

31.01 28.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07 31.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12
Investments in debt obligations 3,641,691 3,611,928 3,885,608 4,007,913 3,944,776 4,082,472 4,204,933 4,257,409 4,190,684 4,434,255 4,516,735 4,419,892
of which:
Investments in debt obligations at balance — sheet value (regardless revaluation) by kinds of instruments
federal government obligations 816,480 839,333 824,988 850,151 810,389 818,597 841,180 926,472 961,340 1,032,975 1,046,432 1,177,529
the Bank of Russia bonds 450,515 486,983 736,987 833,130 840,506 949,677 983,418 988,565 806,907 859,492 857,270 588,492
debt obligations of the RF constituent entities and local authorities 244,398 254,483 264,705 275,071 269,811 268,092 277,261 277,586 292,353 301,022 303,934 284,300
debt obligations issued by resident credit institutions 294,149 319,819 320,417 346,874 350,267 308,571 320,415 318,911 333,202 351,199 376,972 365,029
debt obligations issued by nonresidents 650,827 645,976 628,583 594,799 623,664 633,537 606,466 620,372 563,120 591,551 585,348 718,852
other debt obligations of residents 859,042 790,765 834,048 843,248 778,475 781,395 806,036 793,268 833,857 890,384 929,384 901,119
debt obligations transferred that do not quality for the derecognition 277,228 216,696 186,129 191,705 218,496 253,734 293,151 268,502 337,816 346,669 383,095 355,281
overdue debt obligations 13,836 14,820 15,815 16,187 15,820 16,868 18,593 17,038 16,699 16,895 15,632 12,271
revaluation of debt obligations 35,215 43,053 73,936 56,748 37,349 52,001 58,413 46,694 45,391 44,069 18,668 17,020
Investment in equities 448,161 455,626 493,216 528,348 542,682 573,237 612,277 636,762 674,801 699,267 714,356 710,923
of which:
Investment in equities at balance-sheet value (regardless revaluation)
of residents credit institutions 5,739 6,852 7,691 11,230 11,921 8,707 6,952 7,617 8,236 4,168 5,368 5,694
of nonresidents 31,531 38,241 36,277 32,106 34,741 37,654 38,981 41,141 40,944 45,048 48,604 50,336
of other residents 384,031 389,578 409,844 450,449 479,954 504,945 511,783 534,551 579,471 588,765 587,499 587,982
shares transferred that do not quality for the derecognition 15,635 17,917 24,067 24,499 23,788 35,867 48,390 52,231 33,337 40,485 42,119 29,865
revaluation of equities 11,225 3,038 15,336 10,064 -7,723 -13,936 6,170 1,221 12,813 20,802 30,765 37,045
Equity in subsidiaries and associated companies 285,303 283,986 281,929 287,429 287,318 291,849 290,171 288,985 313,045 323,397 333,275 368,175
of which
shares of subsidiaries and associated resident credit institutions
143,111 143,476 143,477 143,747 140,909 142,909 141,809 139,355 139,385 139,210 139,278 168,438
Other equity interest 72,644 77,448 111,692 113,665 113,480 113,735 116,575 117,962 117,028 115,191 124,671 132,096
Updated March 15, 2011.
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Last updated on: 12.08.2019