Pioneer Capital Invest wins Asian-Pacific Bank auction
On 17 September 2021, the Bank of Russia held a first-price closed auction to sell its 100%-stake in JSC Asian-Pacific Bank (Registration No. 1810) (hereinafter, the Bank).
The following three of the four bidders invited by the Bank of Russia took part in the auction: Promsvyazbank PJSC, PJSC Sovcombank and LLP Pioneer Capital Invest (Republic of Kazakhstan). The fourth investor of those invited refused to take part in the auction and did not bid.
The auction was held in the presence of bidders’ representatives.
The auction winner was LLP Pioneer Capital Invest with the best bid of 14,000,000,013.13 rubles. Based on the purchase and sale agreement related to the Bank’s shares, the winner of the auction will additionally transfer before 30 November 2021 part of the Bank’s net profit for the first 9 months of 2021 to the Bank of Russia.
Under the terms of the auction, the transfer of ownership to LLP Pioneer Capital Invest is expected before 1 November 2021.
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