• 12 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, 107016 Russia
  • 8 800 300-30-00
  • www.cbr.ru
What do you want to find?

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most ancient cities of Russia and its important economic, industrial, academic, educational and cultural centre. Today, the capital of the Volga Federal District is the largest transportation hub and a million plus city, ranking fifth by number of residents. This year, Nizhny Novgorod celebrates the 800th anniversary of its foundation. To mark this event, on 28 May 2021, the Bank of Russia issues the following commemorative coins:

— a silver coin in the denomination of 3 rubles and a gold coin in the denomination of 50 rubles ‘The 800th Anniversary of the Foundation of Nizhny Novgorod’ of the Cities series;

— a base metal coin in the denomination of 10 rubles ‘Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Region’ of the Ancient Towns of Russia series.

Description of coins made of precious metals:

The silver 3-ruble coin (fine metal content 31.1 g, fineness 925/1,000) has a round shape and is 39.0 mm in diameter. The gold 50-ruble coin (fine metal content 7.78 g, fineness 999/1,000) has a round shape and is 22.6 mm in diameter.

The obverse and the reverse of the coins have a relief rim along the circumference.

The obverse of the coins features a relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and the inscriptions ‘РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ’ (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) and ‘БАНК РОССИИ’ (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin denomination ‘3 РУБЛЯ’ (3 RUBLES), ‘50 РУБЛЕЙ’ (50 RUBLES), the year of issue ‘2021 г.’ (2021), the chemical symbol of the metal according to Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Elements, fineness, the St. Petersburg Mint trademark, and fine metal content.

The reverse:

The reverse: — of the silver coin (Catalogue No. 5111-0443) features a relief image of the North-Eastern wall of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and the Chkalov staircase going down to the Volga river; along the circumference there are inscriptions: ‘НИЖНИЙ НОВГОРОД’ (NIZHNY NOVGOROD) at the top and ‘800 ЛЕТ’ (800 YEARS) at the bottom.

The edge of the coin is corrugated.

The coin is minted in proof quality.

The mintage of the coin is 3.0 thousand pcs;

— of the gold coin (Catalogue No. 5216-0125) features a relief image of the Dmitrievskaya Tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin; along the circumference there are inscriptions: ‘НИЖНИЙ НОВГОРОД’ (NIZHNY NOVGOROD) at the top and ‘800 ЛЕТ’ (800 YEARS) at the bottom.

The edge of the coin is corrugated.

The coin is minted in proof quality.

The mintage of the coin is 1.0 thousand pcs.

 Description of the base metal coin:

The coin has a round shape and is 27.0 mm in diameter. The coin is combined; it consists of a disc and an outer ring.

The obverse and the reverse of the coins have a relief rim along the circumference.

The edge of the coin is corrugated and has the inscription ‘ДЕСЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ’ (TEN RUBLES) recurring twice and divided by asterisks.

The obverse of the coin features the inscriptions on the outer ring around the circumference: ‘БАНК РОССИИ’ (BANK OF RUSSIA) at the top and ‘2021’ at the bottom. On the left and on the right sides of the outer ring of the coin, there are images of laurel and oak branches, respectively, their elements extending onto the disc. In the centre of the disc, there is an indication of the face value of the coin — the figure ‘10’ and the inscription ‘РУБЛЕЙ’ (RUBLES) under the figure. Inside the figure ‘0’, there is a protective element in the form of the number ‘10’ with the inscription ‘РУБ’ (RUB) visible when the coin is viewed from different angles. In the lower part of the disc, there is the Moscow Mint trademark.

The reverse of the coin (Catalogue No. 5714-0072) features a relief image of the building of the Nizhny Novgorod trade fair; the emblem of Nizhny Novgorod at the top on the left; and the inscriptions on the outer ring: ‘ДРЕВНИЕ ГОРОДА РОССИИ’ (ANCIENT TOWNS OF RUSSIA) around the upper circumference and ‘НИЖНИЙ НОВГОРОД’ (NIZHNY NOVGOROD) around the lower circumference.

The mintage of the coin is 1.0 million pcs.

 The new coins are legal tender of the Russian Federation and are mandatory for acceptance for all kinds of payments without any restrictions at their face value.

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