On changing and reissuing licence forms
The Bank of Russia took a decision to change the forms of licences by insurance activity type to the following entities:
Insurance Company SOGAZ-Med, joint-stock company;
AK BARS STRAKNOVANIE, limited liability company;
Insurance Company Moskoviya, limited liability company;
Insurance Company REGIONGARANT, joint-stock company;
Insurance Obschestvo Imperial, limited liability company;
Insurance Company Megaruss-D, limited liability company;
Insurance Company FINROS, closed joint-stock company;
Insurance Company PROFSODRUZHESTVO, closed joint-stock company;
Insurance Company BASK, joint-stock company;
AIG Insurance Company, closed joint-stock company;
Insurance Company Chulpan Zhizn, limited liability company;
Обществу с ограниченной ответственностью Страховой компании „Чулпан-Жизнь”.
The Bank of Russia took the decision to reissue the forms of licences by insurance activity type to the Insurance Company Otchizna, limited liability company, due to the change of location.
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