BRICS central banks discuss cyber security issues
Representatives of central banks and financial market regulators of BRICS countries, including its new members, held the first meeting of the BRICS Rapid Information Security Channel.
Special attention was paid to conducting the first joint cross-border cyber security drills that will help check the operational readiness of BRICS central banks to respond to cross-border computer attacks.
The agenda included the exchange of data on computer attacks and cyber threats, the need to update the directory of BRICS regulations on cyber security, as well as certain aspects of the functioning of internal systems for ensuring protection of banks and financial institutions. The meeting participants decided to continue publishing bulletins of the best practices of BRICS countries in the field of information security in the financial sector.
The BRICS Channel is an expert platform of information security departments of central banks and cyber security incident response teams of BRICS countries. The BRICS Channel holds three to four meetings a year and maintains interaction in four key areas: prevention, identification, response, and recovery.
The next meeting of BRICS countries will be held online in 2024 Q2.