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Staff announcements

21 June 2018
Press release

The Bank of Russia informs that Monetary Policy Department Director Igor Dmitriev has decided to resign from his position from 25 June 2018.

‘Igor Dmitriev has been with the Bank of Russia for 20 years, having served as Director, Monetary Policy Department for the last five years. This space of time was marked with the transition to inflation targeting — a crucial and very challenging milestone. Igor’s personal contribution to delivery on the 4% inflation target, the past year’s accomplishment, cannot be understated. Even in the most challenging and critical of moments, Igor proved himself to be none other but a tremendously competent and shrewd professional all of us could count on. May success wait upon Igor in all his future endeavours’, BoR Governor Elvira Nabiullina said.

The Bank of Russia further announces that Andrey Lipin has been appointed as Acting Director, Monetary Policy Department, effective 26 June 2018.

The Department will be thereafter headed by Alexey Zabotkin, this appointment being effective from 20 August 2018.

The BoR Governor signed the relevant orders on 21 June 2018.

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