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Bank of Russia analytical commentaries in December 2019: publication schedule

3 December 2019
Press release

The Bank of Russia is to publish the following regular materials on its website in December 2019:

No. Publication Publication date
1 Information and analytical commentary Financial Stability Review 2 December 2019
2 Information and analytical commentary Inflation Expectations and Consumer Sentiment 3 December 2019, 26 December 2019
3 Review of Key Indicators of Professional Securities Market Participants 4 December 2019
4 Review of Key Indicators of Insurers 6 December 2019
5 Review of Key Indicators of Unit Investment Funds and Joint-stock Investment Funds 9 December 2019
6 Review of Key Indicators of Non-governmental Pension Funds 13 December 2019
7 Information bulletin Consumer Price Indices 13 December 2019
8 Information and analytical commentary Consumer Price Dynamics 16 December 2019
9 Information and analytical commentary Banking Sector Liquidity and Financial Markets 16 December 2019
10 Assessment of Underlying Inflation 16 December 2019
11 Results of the sociological survey “Russian Population’s Attitude to Cash” 18 December 2019
12 Macroeconomic bulletin Talking Trends 19 December 2019
13 Information and analytical commentary Russian Banking Sector Developments 20 December 2019
14 News Index of Business Activity 20 December 2019
15 Review of Key Indicators of Microfinance Organisations 23 December 2019
16 Monetary Policy Report 23 December 2019
17 Information and analytical commentary Economy 26 December 2019

The reference to the Press Service is mandatory if you intend to use this material.

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