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Other оperations

In the domestic market, the Bank of Russia can conduct financial operations for purposes other than monetary policy objectives.

The Supplementary mechanism of liquidity provision aims to support credit institutions experiencing liquidity shortages which they cannot handle through money market or regular monetary operations. The Supplementary mechanism represents standing facilities (in forms of repos or loans) for terms from 1 to 180 days with interest rate equals to key rate plus 175 basis points, while the collateral pool for the Supplementary mechanism is wider than for the Primary mechanism.

The Special Facilities aim to encourage banks to lend to companies in certain segments or sectors of the economy. Through these facilities the Bank of Russia provides liquidity to credit institutions for relatively long periods and at a relatively low interest rate.

Committed Liquidity Facilities (CLFs) are opened by the Bank of Russia for systemically important credit institutions to make up for a shortfall in Basel III high quality liquid assets in order to comply with the liquidity coverage ratio (the LCR).

To support financial stability the Bank of Russia can adjust certain terms of monetary policy operations, offer unsecured loans, conduct operations in the foreign exchange market, including foreign currency liquidity-providing operations.

Department responsible for publication: Monetary Policy Department
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Last updated on: 25.10.2024