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BoR Operations

Bank of Russia carries out operations in domestic and external financial markets
Key rate since 28.10.2024
RUONIA on 28.02.2025

In the domestic market, the Bank of Russia carries out monetary policy transactions. They are aimed at converging interest rates in the overnight segment of the money market with the key rate.

Also, the Bank of Russia can conduct financial operations for purposes other than monetary policy objectives, e.g. provide liquidity to credit institutions temporarily struggling to obtain it or carry out transactions to maintain financial stability.

There are terms and procedures for each type of the Bank of Russia’s operations in the domestic market, including requirements for counterparties and the credit quality of financial assets.

International reserves of the Russian Federation on 21.02.2025, billions of US dollars

In the external market, the Bank of Russia manages its assets denominated in foreign currency. These assets are included in the international reserves of the Russian Federation.

Interest Rate Band of the Bank of Russia and Overnight Money Market Interest Rates

Department responsible for publication: Monetary Policy Department
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Last updated on: 28.02.2025