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Volume of Foreign Currency/RUB sell/buy FX Swaps*

Сроки расчетов
Trade date millions of FC millions of rubles
18.09.2024 26,733.4 344,833.3
13.09.2024 30,000.0 381,764.7
12.09.2024 29,525.9 374,861.1
11.09.2024 28,761.7 364,963.8
10.09.2024 29,344.8 371,572.4
09.09.2024 28,031.1 354,753.2
06.09.2024 27,367.0 340,779.1
05.09.2024 29,699.3 376,947.4
04.09.2024 29,214.8 353,976.2

* First leg of FX swaps.

Data is available from 24.03.2023 to 18.09.2024.

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Last updated on: 18.09.2024