Bank of Russia Bond Auction Results (extended version)
Auction date | Security registered number | Settlement date | Maturity date | Amount offered at par (millions of rubles) | Bid amount at par (millions of rubles) | Bid amount at market value (millions of rubles) | Number of participating credit institutions | Minimum bid acceptable price (%) | Min bid price (%) | Max bid price (%) | Cut-off price (%) | Weighted average price (%) | Amount placed at par (millions of rubles) | Amount placed at market value (millions of rubles) |
12.10.2021 | 4-48-22BR2-1 | 13.10.2021 | 10.11.2021 | 52,572.1 | 89,524.7 | 90,564.4 | 18 | 100.0000 | 100.0000 | 100.0050 | 100.0000 | 100.0007 | 52,572.1 | 53,182.8 |
05.10.2021 | 4-48-22BR2-1 | 06.10.2021 | 10.11.2021 | 52,682.0 | 109.9 | 111.0 | 2 | 100.0000 | 100.0000 | 100.0000 | 100.0000 | 100.0000 | 109.9 | 111.0 |
05.10.2021 | (4-47-22BR2-1) The auction was unsuccessful due to the absence of bids. |
Data is available from 15.08.2017 to 12.10.2021
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Last updated on: 12.10.2021