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All-Russian Survey of Consumer Finance

Surveys of household finances are a key source of data for research on current issues of monetary policy, financial stability, and the development of the financial market.

This biannual survey of Russian households has been conducted since 2013. The first four first waves were organised by the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Wave 5 was conducted in 2022 by the Bank of Russia. LLC Demoskop has acted as the coordinating and executing contractor for all waves of the survey, including the field work.

The 2022 survey covered 6,081 households made up of 12,162 respondents living in 32 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The survey polled 70% of respondents in May—June 2022.

A ‘household’ is people who live together at the same address and share income and expenses. ‘Survey respondents’ are all members of a household aged 18 and older who resided at their place of residence at the time of the survey.

The survey helps provide crucial insights into finance and financial behaviour at the household (family) level. Given that consumer decisions on spending, savings, asset acquisition, and the assumption of debt are made as a family, research into financial behaviour patterns is rightly focused on households rather than individual consumers.

Another benefit this type of survey offers is that its several rounds cover a significant proportion of households. Changes in the behavior of the same respondents can thus be measured over time, further enhancing opportunities for research and analysis. 

The resulting database provides a dynamic view of households’ financial and non-financial assets, their financial liabilities, income and expenses, the various aspects of financial behaviour patterns and their changes, as well as of trends emerging in the financial behaviour and strategies of Russian households.

The probabilistic nature of the sample ensures that the survey is representative. Its design is described in the attached ‘Methodology for the All-Russian Survey of Consumer Finance (Wave 5)’.

Data access

The Bank of Russia welcomes economic research by the academic community on current issues presented in Research agenda based on granular data from the All-Russian Survey of Consumer Finance.

Anonymised respondent data in Wave 5 survey forms (Bank of Russia data):

Anonymised data for respondents’ answers, all five waves of the survey (Bank of Russia data):

The information obtained from the household survey is used in research by both Bank of Russia staff and by external researchers.

Publications based on the data of the All-Russian Survey of Consumer Finance of the current wave (5) and of previous waves:

Zvereva V., Sinyakov А., Shelovanova Т. Financial literacy and responsible financial behaviour of Russian households.

Bessonova, E. and Tsvetkova, A. Financial behaviour of households during the pandemic.
Analytical note of the Department of Research and Forecasting, Bank of Russia, 2022 [in Russian]

Tishin, A. The impact of demography on the development of the financial sector in the Russian Federation.
Analytical Note of the Department of Research  and Forecasting, Bank of Russia, 2020 [in Russian]

 Mamedli, M. and Sinyakov, A. Household Finance in Russia: income shocks and consumption smoothing.
Voprosy Ekonomiki No. 5, 2018 [in Russian].

Sinyakov, A. and Ushakova, Yu. Two Russian credit booms and current expansion of mortgage lending: lessons for policymaking.
Analytical note of the Department of Research and Forecasting, Bank of Russia, 2018

Artyomova, M., Mamedli, M., and Sinyakov, A. Regional heterogeneity of household lending based on the findings of the household finance survey: regional features and potential risks.
Analytical note of the Department of Research and Forecasting, Bank of Russia, 2018.

Mamedli, M., and Sinyakov, A. Consumer lending in Russia: prospects and risks based on household finance survey.
Analytical Note of the Department of Research and Forecasting, Bank of Russia, 2017.

Department responsible for publication: Research and Forecasting Department
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Last updated on: 07.10.2024