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Interbank commissions (IBC) and maximum fees charged by credit institutions from their clients when making funds transfers from individuals to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs,1 and self-employed persons2 via the faster payments service of the Bank of Russia payment system (FPS),3 effective from 1 May 2023

List of operations depending on a payee’s classification and by type of activity4 IBC rates paid to a payer’s credit institution5 Maximum fees charged from legal entities (LE), individual entrepreneurs (IE) and self-employed persons6 Maximum fees charged from individuals6
1 2 3 4
1st group of operations
1.1. Payment for public services 0.00%
of the transfer amount
of the transfer amount
0.00 rubles
2nd group of operations
2.1. Payment for services of medical and educational institutions 0.20% of the transfer amount, but not exceeding 750.00 rubles per one transfer no more than 0.40% of transfer amount, but not exceeding 1,500.00 rubles per one transfer 0.00 rubles
2.2. Payment to charities
2.3. Payment for transport infrastructure services
2.4. Payment for telecommunication, information and mail services
2.5. Payment for consumer goods and everyday products
2.6. Payment for pharmaceutical drugs, nutritional supplements, and other medical goods, except for medical equipment
2.7. Payment for insurance services
2.8. Funds transfers to accounts of professional securities market participants and management companies of investment funds, unit investment funds and non-governmental pension funds
2.9. Payment for self-employed persons’ services
3rd group of operations
3.1. Operations not included into previous sections 0.50% of the transfer amount, but not exceeding 1,100.00 rubles per transfer 0.70% of the transfer amount, but not exceeding 1,500.00 rubles per transfer 0.00 rubles
4th group of operations
4.1. Payment for utility services 0.10%7 of the transfer amount, but not exceeding 5.00 rubles per transfer 0.20% of the transfer amount, but not exceeding 10.00 rubles per transfer 0.00 rubles
Return of an earlier operations 0.00%
of the transfer amount
of the transfer amount
0.00 rubles

1 Individual entrepreneurs (IP) are persons who, in accordance with Article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, may perform entrepreneurial activity without establishing a legal entity.
2 Self-employed persons are individuals and individual entrepreneurs who are professional income tax payers in accordance with Federal Law No. 422-FZ, dated 27 November 2018, ‘On Conducting an Experiment on Establishing a Special Tax Regime ‘Professional Income Tax’.
3 Except for funds transfer operations that should be carried out free of charge in accordance with Russian laws.
4 A detailed list of operations related to payment for goods, works or services depending on a payee’s classification by type of activity is included in the standard of the operational and payment clearing centre of the faster payments service (OPCC FPS).
5 An IBC is paid by a credit institution (its branch) of a payee to a credit institution (its branch) of a payer when transferring funds of an individual to a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, or a self-employed person, with the exception of transferring funds transfer is executed between clients of the same credit institution (including its branches).
6 Including cases when a credit institution uses services of the FPS payment infrastructure for the purpose of transferring funds between clients of this credit institution (including its branches).
7 Including for credit institution (aggregators) that perform the functions of a payee for services under contracts with resource-supplying organizations.

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Last updated on: 27.06.2023