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Bank of Russia announces when key analytical materials are to be published on its website

1 November 2019

The November schedule of publications is provided in the Press Releases section. Further on, the schedule for the coming period will be posted on the last business day of each month.

Regular publications to be announced for release comprise information and analytical materials, reviews, reports, bulletins providing analytics on current trends in economy and financial markets and of interest to the professional and expert community.

The schedule will contain the publication dates of the following materials:

  • Data on counterfeit money detected in the banking system;
  • Consumer Price Dynamics;
  • Monetary Policy Report;
  • Inflation Expectations and Consumer Sentiment;
  • Consumer Price Indices;
  • Commentary ‘Russia’s Balance of Payments’;
  • Banking Sector Liquidity and Financial Markets;
  • News index of business activity;
  • Russian Banking Sector Developments;
  • Talking Trends;
  • Foreign Exchange and Gold Asset Management Report;
  • Key Indicators of Microfinance Organisations Issuing Loans to SMEs;
  • Review of Key Indicators of Insurers;
  • Review of Key Indicators of Microfinance Organisations;
  • Review of Key Indicators of Non-governmental Pension Funds;
  • Review of Key Indicators of Unit Investment Funds and Joint-stock Investment Funds;
  • Review of Key Indicators of Professional Securities Market Participants;
  • Financial Market Risks Review;
  • Financial Stability Review;
  • Russian Population’s Attitude to Cash;
  • Assessment of Trend Inflation;
  • Structure of Dubious Transactions in the Banking Sector;
  • Economics.
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