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Selected Indicators Characterizing Performance of Credit Institutions (Grouped by Size of Assets) on Mortgage Loans Market

  Credit institutions grouped by assets (in descending order) as of 01.01.2017
1-5 6-20 21-50 51-200 201-500 501-623 total
1. Number of credit institutions extended mortgage loans, units 5 13 26 105 173 162 484
2. Number of mortgage loans extended to individuals, units, of which loans extended 696,122 39,299 50,441 46,322 22,654 1,717 856,555
2.1. in rubles 696,121 39,297 50,439 46,313 22,640 1,711 856,521
2.2. in foreign currency 1 2 2 9 14 6 34
3. Volume of mortgage loans extended to individuals, - total, million rubles, of which: 1,143,384 95,914 105,588 98,350 26,441 3,790 1,473,467
3.1. in rubles 1,143,383 95,902 105,438 97,831 26,161 3,665 1,472,380
3.2. in foreign currency 1 12 150 519 280 125 1,087
4. Debt on mortgage loans, extended by credit institutions, - total, million rubles, of which: 3,583,957 294,088 300,484 266,370 40,844 7,727 4,493,470
4.1. in rubles 3,563,338 274,182 289,384 249,951 37,936 7,449 4,422,239
4.2. in foreign currency 20,619 19,906 11,100 16,419 2,908 278 71,231
4.3. of which:overdue, - total 42,572 13,861 7,085 5,065 1,609 153 70,345
4.3.1. in rubles 32,443 6,814 4,512 2,993 1,149 148 48,059
4.3.2. in foreign currency 10,129 7,047 2,573 2,072 460 5 22,286
5. Weighted average maturity, months, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
5.1. in rubles 182.6 189.3 205.4 182.2 102.1 110.4 183.0
5.2. in foreign currency 53.0 209.3 93.2 31.2 21.8 37.5 40.1
6. Weighted average interest rate, %, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
6.1. in rubles 12.50 12.30 12.10 12.80 15.40 13.30 12.48
6.2. in foreign currency 10.80 9.00 8.40 7.20 10.50 11.80 8.65
7. Rights of claim under mortgage loans, - total, million rubles, of which: 28,422 13,374 28,034 44,864 5,735 367 120,798
7.1. in rubles 23,650 9,907 23,806 36,780 5,666 364 100,174
7.2. in foreign currency 4,772 3,467 4,228 8,084 69 3 20,624

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 26.03.2018