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Methodological notes on securities statistics

I. General information

Information on the amount of securities issued in domestic market is compiled in compliance with the international standards. The methodological basis is the Handbook on Securities Statistics1.

Information on the amount of debt securities2 issued in domestic market is published by the Bank of Russia on a monthly basis broken down by economic sectors, maturity, interest rate type and benchmark interest rate type in rubles and foreign currency at nominal and market value.

Information on the amount outstanding of listed shares in domestic market is published by the Bank of Russia on a monthly basis broken down by economic sectors in rubles and foreign currency at market value.

II. Sources of information

II.1. Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

II.2. Register of issue-grade securities of issuers;

II.3. Book of State Registration of Credit Institutions;

II.4. List of Financial Sector Corporations;

II.5. Corporate securities database of the National Settlement Depository (NSD database);

II.6. Data of the public joint-stock company Moscow Exchange;

II.7. Data of information agency Cbonds;

II.8. Data of joint stock company “Interfax News Agency”;

II.9. Data of quarterly issuers’ reports.

III. Securities issuers’ classification of sectors

The sectors are in compliance with the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) (European Commission, IMF, OECD, UN, World Bank, 2009).

Securities issuers are classified into subsectors of the financial sector (central bank (S121), other deposit-taking corporations (S122), other financial corporations (S125), insurance corporations (S128)) in accordance with the List of Financial Sector Corporations. Securities issuers’ classification of non-financial corporations (S11) is based on information regarding entity’s economic activity. The list of securities issued by non-residents (S2) is based on the NSD database.

Securities of other deposit-taking corporations (S122) comprise securities issued by credit institutions included in the Book of State Registration of Credit Institutions as of the reporting date.

IV. Compilation of statistics on debt securities issued in domestic market

IV.1. Information on debt securities issued including is compiled broken down by the following sectors and subsectors:

  1. Central Bank (S121);
  2. Other deposit-taking corporations (S122);
  3. Other financial corporations (S125);
  4. Insurance corporations (S128);
  5. General government (S13);
  6. Non-financial corporations (S11);
  7. Non-residents (S2).

IV.2. The following aspects are taken into account, when compiling information on debt securities issued:

—  Securities issues are in circulation and are not redeemed/cancelled;

— State registration of the report on the results of the (additional) issue securities has been executed, or a notice on (additional) securities issue results has been submitted;

— Unlisted debt securities are at nominal value (taking into account redemption);

—  Listed debt securities are at market value based on the Moscow Exchange data;

— The volume of securities issued in foreign currency is calculated at the exchange rate on the last business day preceding the reporting date.

IV.3. Information on bonds (excluding listed bonds) issued by credit institutions is based on the Register of issue-grade securities of issuers.

IV.4. Information on listed bonds issued by resident legal entities (including credit institutions) and non-resident legal entities is based on the NSD database.

IV.5. The amount outstanding of debt securities in domestic market issued by the general government (S13) is determined on the basis of the information from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The information includes the data on the government debt of the Russian Federation measured in government securities of the Russian Federation and municipal securities in rubles. Debt securities of the general government sector also include debt securities of state corporations JSC RUSNANO and Russian Highways State Company (relevant information is based on data from the NSD database).

IV.6. Information on interest rate type of issued debt securities is based on the NSD database.

IV.7. Information on benchmark interest rate type of issued debt securities is based on the Cbonds database.

V. Compilation of statistics on listed shares issued in domestic market

V.1. Information on amount outstanding of listed shares of resident issuers is compiled broken down by the following sectors and subsectors:

  1. Other deposit-taking corporations (S122);
  2. Insurance corporations (S128);
  3. Other financial corporations (S125);
  4. Non-financial corporations (S11).

V.2. The following aspects are taken into account, when compiling information on amount outstanding of listed shares:

— Listed shares are admitted for trading and included in Quotation lists (Level One and Level Two) on the Moscow Exchange;

—  Listed shares issues are in circulation and are not redeemed/cancelled;

— State registration of the report on the results of the (additional) issue securities has been executed, or a notice on (additional) securities issue results has been submitted;

— Listed shares are estimated at market value based on the Moscow Exchange data;

— Amount outstanding of listed shares in foreign currency is calculated at the exchange rate on the last business day preceding the reporting date.

V.3. Information on listed shares issued by credit institutions is based on the Register of issue-grade securities of issuers.

VI. Information control and processing

VI.1. Information received from various sources is subject to the following controls and processing:

— elimination of data duplication;

— control of availability of data on an entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

— control of comparability of data from various sources.

VI.2. Control of information on debt securities issued across all subsectors is carried out on the basis of issuers’ quarterly reports, entities’ accounting statements and other reports.

VI.3. Information on Securities Issued may be amended as administrative sources improve and new information emerges, methodology changes, as well as in the course of communication with reporting entities.

1 Handbook on Securities Statistics (BIS, ECB, IMF, 2015).
2 Debt securities include bonds and structured debt securities.

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Last updated on: 25.04.2022