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Foreign Bank Branches

A foreign bank is entitled to establish only one branch to operate in the Russian Federation, subject to a banking licence issued by the Bank of Russia and accreditation of the branch.

To that end, a foreign bank shall send a licence application and the documents stipulated by Article 18.2 of Federal Law No. 395-1, dated 2 December 1990, ‘On Banks and Banking Activities’ to the Bank of Russia no later than six months after the date of the decision to establish a branch.

Before making a decision on granting a licence to a branch and its accreditation, the Bank of Russia may conduct an on-site inspection of the branch at its location specified in the application to verify its compliance with the requirements applicable to its operations.

The Bank of Russia shall make a decision regarding the licensing and accreditation of a branch within 60 business days following the date of submission of all required documents.

State fee for accreditation of a foreign bank branch:

4,000  — for banks from the EAEU member states,
120,000  — for banks from other countries.

In case a foreign bank submits an incomplete package of documents, consideration of an application may be suspended, but for no more than 30 days.

A foreign bank branch shall be deemed accredited from the date of entering its data into the Bank of Russia’s register.

From that moment, a foreign bank branch is allowed to open and maintain bank accounts of legal entities, conduct money transfers as ordered by legal entities and perform a number of other banking operations.

Contact us for questions and advice:

E-mail: PetrovAY@cbr.ru

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Last updated on: 25.11.2024