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Financial Performance of Credit Institutions

Date Total profit (+)/loss (—) made by operating credit institutions, million rubles The value of profit made by profit-making credit institutions, million rubles Share of operating profit-making credit institutions out of total number of operating credit institutions, % The value of losses made by losses-making credit institutions, million rubles Share of operating losses-making credit institutions out of total number of operating credit institutions, % The profit allocation, million rubles
January 2016 685.2 685.2 100.0 0.0 0.0 106.1
January 2016 115.1 173.4 55.6 58.2 44.4 2.1
January 2016 -7.7 78.3 44.4 85.9 55.6 7.0
January 2016 -201.7 80.8 66.7 282.6 33.3 13.2
January 2016 -396.9 85.0 33.3 482.0 66.7 50.7
January 2016 -383.5 131.7 44.4 515.3 55.6 59.8
January 2016 -654.9 142.9 44.4 797.7 55.6 67.1
January 2016 -476.9 158.7 50.0 635.5 50.0 52.8
January 2016 -27.1 205.8 75.0 232.9 25.0 61.2
January 2016 -87.1 224.2 75.0 311.3 25.0 67.7
January 2016 -89.3 275.3 62.5 364.6 37.5 73.5
January 2016 19.9 253.1 57.1 233.2 42.9 66.3
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