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On results of deposit auction-based fine-tuning operation

30 January 2015
Press release

On 30 January 2015, the Bank of Russia held deposit auction-based fine-tuning operation.

The deposit auction was attended by 54 credit institutions from 18 Russian regions. Bids offering interest rates in the range of 16.55% p.a. to 17.00% p.a. were submitted to the deposit auction. The deposit auction offer amounted to 304.65 billion rubles.

As a result of the deposit auction the cut-off rate was set at 17.00% p.a.

The weighted average interest rate was 16.90% p.a.

The volume of funds raised as a result of the deposit auction was 304.65 billion rubles.

The auction was held in compliance with Article 46 of Federal Law No. 86-FZ, dated 10 July 2002, ‘On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)’ and Bank of Russia Regulation No. 404-P, dated 9 August 2013, ‘On Conducting Bank of Russia Deposit Operations with Credit Institutions’.

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