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On OFZ sales from Bank of Russia portfolio

1 June 2017
Press release

During the period between April 2016 and May 2017, the Bank of Russia (BoR) sold ruble-denominated loan bonds (OFZ) with a total par value of 145.678 billion rubles from its portfolio. In addition, between January 2016 and May 2017, BoR-held OFZ with a total nominal value of 42.012 billion rubles were redeemed.

OFZ nominal value in billion rubles
Sold in April 2016 60.694
Sold in May 2016 59.207
Sold in June 2016 11.580
Sold in July 2016 0.630
Sold in August 2016 1.168
Sold in September 2016 3.456
Sold in October 2016 3.833
Sold in November 2016 2.307
Sold in December 2016 0.335
Sold in January 2017 0.895
Sold in February 2017 0.597
Sold in March 2017 0.644
Sold in April 2017 0.292
Sold in May 2017 0.039
Redeemed since 1 January 2016 42.012
Balance as of 1 June 2017 60.380

The Bank of Russia will continue to sell OFZ and report on the volume of such sales on a monthly basis.

The Bank of Russia’s OFZ sales allow it to partially absorb the liquidity inflow from financing federal budget deficit from the Reserve Fund. In addition, OFZ sales may help increase the liquidity and depth of the secondary government bond market.

The Bank of Russia sells OFZ issues at the Moscow Exchange. At the same time, the Bank of Russia aims to minimise the effect of these sales on the OFZ market climate.

The reference to the Press Service is mandatory if you intend to use this material.

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