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Bank of Russia Bulletin released

25 December 2019
Press release

Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 83 (2135) of 25 December 2019 has been released.

The Credit Institutions section publishes the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. 2934, dated 19 December 2019, on amending Appendix 1 to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2520, dated 1 November 2019;

No. 2943, dated 20 December 2019, on amending Appendix 1 to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2520, dated 1 November 2019.

The issue publishes information from the Deposit Insurance Agency for the depositors of JSC Kranbank.

The Non-bank Financial Institutions section publishes the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. 2945, dated 20 December 2019, on the revocation of the insurance licence from JSC Insurance Company ASKOMED;

No. 2946, dated 20 December 2019, on amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2482, dated 27 October 2019.

The issue presents consolidated data on financial market sectors and information notices by the Bank of Russia.

The Official Documents section publishes the following materials:

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5261-U, dated 16 September 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4075-U, Dated 19 July 2016, ‘On the Capital Requirements for Management Companies of Investment Funds, Unit Investment Funds, Non-governmental Pension Funds, and Applicants for Management Company Licences’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication, except the sub-clause with another effective date established; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 23.12.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5305-U, dated 1 November 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Instruction No. 188-I, Dated 21 June 2018, ‘On the Procedure for Applying Measures to Credit Institutions (Parent Credit Institutions of Banking Groups) Envisaged by Article 74 of the Federal Law ‘On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 19.12.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5309-U, dated 8 November 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3871-U, Dated 1 December 2015, ‘On the Procedure for a Credit Institution to Generate a Capital Recovery Plan and Coordinate It With the Bank of Russia’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 17.12.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5311-U, dated 11 November 2019, ‘On the Criteria to Be Complied With By an Organisation Recording the Depository’s Rights to Underlying Securities in the Account Opened to This Depository as an Entity Acting on Behalf of Other Entities, for Issuing Russian Depositary Receipts, and to Be Complied With By a Foreign Organisation Recording Rights to Securities Where the Depository Has an Account Opened to It as an Entity Acting on Behalf of Other Entities, for Recording Rights to Foreign Issuers’ Securities in the Case of Their Public Offering and/or Public Trading in the Russian Federation’ (becomes effective on 1 January 2020; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 17.12.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5312-U, dated 11 November 2019, ‘On the Criteria to Be Complied With By a Foreign Exchange Where the Listing of Securities Underlying Russian Depository Receipts is Mandatory for Issuing Russian Depository Receipts Whereunder the Issuer of Underlying Securities Undertakes No Obligations to Holders of Russian Depository Receipts, or Where the Listing of Foreign Issuers’ Securities Has Been Commenced or Completed, Except Securities of International Financial Institutions, for a Russian Exchange to Make a Decision on Whether to Admit Them to Exchange Trading’ (becomes effective on 1 January 2020; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 17.12.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5313-U, dated 11 November 2019, ‘On the Procedure for Insurance Companies (Except Medical Insurance Companies Engaged Exclusively In Mandatory Health Insurance) to Inform the Bank of Russia About Persons In Charge of Identification or Simplified Identification’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 19.12.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5320-U, dated 20 November 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4927-U, Dated 8 October 2018, ‘On the List, Forms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Credit Institutions’ Reporting Forms to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation’ (becomes effective on 31 December 2019, except certain clauses with other effective dates established; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 17.12.2019);

Bank of Russia Information Letter No. IN-06-59/91, dated 13 December 2019, ‘On the Specifics of the Services for Collecting and Recording Individuals’ Biometric Data Rendered by Credit Institutions’;

Bank of Russia Information Letter No. IN-01‑19/96, dated 19 December 2019, ‘On the Form of the Agreement on the Principal Terms for the Bank of Russia to Perform Precious Metal Sale and Purchase Transactions in the Russian Federation’.

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