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Bank of Russia establishes reserve requirements and ratios for calculating reservable liabilities

21 March 2022
Press release

As Bank of Russia Regulation No. 753-P, dated 11 January 2021, ‘On Credit Institutions’ Required Reserves’ becomes effective on 1 April 2022, the Bank of Russia sets reserve requirements for calculating credit institutions’ reservable liabilities to be applicable since the above date.

For banks with a universal licence and non-bank credit institutions, the Bank of Russia sets uniform required reserve ratios equalling 2.00% for all categories of liabilities in rubles and foreign currency.

For banks with a basic licence, the required reserve ratios are set at 1.00% for all categories of liabilities in rubles and at 2.00% for all categories of liabilities in foreign currency.

The required reserve averaging ratios remain unchanged:

0.9 — for banks with a basic licence and banks with a universal licence; and

1.0 — for non-bank credit institutions.

The required reserve ratios and required reserve averaging ratios will be applied beginning from the date of the calculation of the amount of required reserves for April 2022.

To calculate the amount of reservable liabilities of credit institutions participating in repos and deposit transactions with centralised clearing, the Bank of Russia sets the following ratios to be applicable to liabilities in rubles and foreign currency:

0.1 — since 1 April 2022 (applicable beginning from the calculation of the amount of required reserves for April 2022); and

0.2 — since 1 July 2022 (applicable beginning from the calculation of the amount of required reserves for July 2022).

The adjustment factor set for calculating a credit institution’s liabilities to other resident credit institutions under issued debt securities to be excluded from reservable liabilities remains unchanged at 0.2.

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