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The Gosbank of the USSR official exchange rates

The Gosbank of the USSR official exchange rates of foreign currencies against the ruble, used in financial settlements of Russian Federation on the former USSR trade and credit agreements with foreign countries from 01.03.2025

Unit Currency Rate
100 Australian Dollar 35,0100
1000 Austrian Shilling 43,0100
1000 Belgium Franc 14,6700
100 Canadian Dollar 38,9900
1000 Danish Krone 78,4600
100 Deutsche Mark 30,2600
100 Euro 59,1800
100 Finnish Marka 9,9500
1000 French Franc 90,2200
10000 Greek Drachma 17,3700
10000 Iceland Krona 40,2200
100 Irish Pound 75,1500
100000 Italian Lira 30,5600
10 Kuwaiti Dinar 18,2600
100000 Lebanese Pound 0,6300
100 Netherlands Gulden 26,8500
1000 Norwegian Krone 50,0900
10000 Portuguese Escudo 29,5200
100 Pound Sterling 70,9200
100 Singapore Dollar 41,7300
10000 Spanish Peseta 35,5700
1000 Swedish Krona 52,3000
100 Swiss Franc 62,4400
100 Turkish Lira 1,5500
100 US Dollar 56,3900
10000 Yen 37,4400
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Last updated on: 01.03.2025