The Gosbank of the USSR official exchange rates
The Gosbank of the USSR official exchange rates of foreign currencies against the ruble, used in financial settlements of Russian Federation on the former USSR trade and credit agreements with foreign countries from 01.03.2025
Unit | Currency | Rate |
100 | Australian Dollar | 35,0100 |
1000 | Austrian Shilling | 43,0100 |
1000 | Belgium Franc | 14,6700 |
100 | Canadian Dollar | 38,9900 |
1000 | Danish Krone | 78,4600 |
100 | Deutsche Mark | 30,2600 |
100 | Euro | 59,1800 |
100 | Finnish Marka | 9,9500 |
1000 | French Franc | 90,2200 |
10000 | Greek Drachma | 17,3700 |
10000 | Iceland Krona | 40,2200 |
100 | Irish Pound | 75,1500 |
100000 | Italian Lira | 30,5600 |
10 | Kuwaiti Dinar | 18,2600 |
100000 | Lebanese Pound | 0,6300 |
100 | Netherlands Gulden | 26,8500 |
1000 | Norwegian Krone | 50,0900 |
10000 | Portuguese Escudo | 29,5200 |
100 | Pound Sterling | 70,9200 |
100 | Singapore Dollar | 41,7300 |
10000 | Spanish Peseta | 35,5700 |
1000 | Swedish Krona | 52,3000 |
100 | Swiss Franc | 62,4400 |
100 | Turkish Lira | 1,5500 |
100 | US Dollar | 56,3900 |
10000 | Yen | 37,4400 |
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Last updated on: 01.03.2025