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Bank of Russia Claims on Credit Institutions under Secured Loans by Original Maturity

millions of rubles (at the beginning of the day)
Date Total Original maturity
from 1 to 7 days from 8 to 30 days from 31 to 90 days from 91 to 180 days from 181 to 365 days
11.12.2013 971,745.08 3,813.58 85.35 26,263.97 509,841.46 431,740.72
10.12.2013 971,112.55 3,794.00 85.35 27,080.27 508,410.21 431,742.72
09.12.2013 966,317.68 4,587.01 85.35 28,552.02 506,350.58 426,742.72
06.12.2013 965,940.17 3,804.00 85.35 28,950.52 506,350.58 426,749.72
05.12.2013 968,188.57 3,794.70 140.35 29,984.22 505,396.58 428,872.72
04.12.2013 964,757.87 2,940.00 140.35 29,408.22 505,396.58 426,872.72
03.12.2013 962,480.45 2,991.78 93.35 29,124.52 505,101.58 425,169.22
02.12.2013 963,246.39 3,985.27 74.35 30,706.52 505,241.58 423,238.67
29.11.2013 961,889.42 2,954.40 80.85 30,409.92 505,205.58 423,238.67
28.11.2013 961,788.12 2,940.00 96.95 30,306.92 505,205.58 423,238.67
27.11.2013 964,378.53 4,932.21 41.95 31,246.12 504,919.58 423,238.67

Data is available from 23.03.2012 to 11.12.2013.

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Last updated on: 11.12.2013