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Topic for International Financial Congress 2019 Determined

6 March 2019

The Organizing Committee of the International Financial Congress announced its main topic – Financial Markets: Increasing Complexity, Maintaining Stability.

Speaking about this year’s topic, Ksenia Yudaeva, Chairperson of the IFC Programme Committee, notes: “Changes in the financial sector are happening faster and faster: global uncertainty is on the rise and many things need to be comprehended by market players and regulators – response of central banks’ monetary policies to these events, changes in traditional financial intermediaries’ business models and the growth of fintech. We plan to discuss how to maintain stability of the financial system under current conditions, what business and the regulator can do to make the financial sector more efficient and adequate for the needs of the economy. This discussion will involve representatives of the financial sector, as well as Russian and international experts”.

The plenary discussion on the first day of the Congress will embrace the situation on the global financial markets, as well as its impact on central banks’ policies. During the plenary session on the second day of the Congress, the regulator and participants will focus on main areas of the financial market development in 2019–2021 and their performance.

The Congress programme will include several theme-based sections: monetary policy and macroeconomics, banks, insurance, collective investment, professional players of the financial market, and microfinancing. 

A number of sessions at the Congress will be dedicated to the topics common for various financial market sectors, such as digital transformation and cyber risks in the financial sector, establishing the institute of financial ombudsman and behavioural supervision, as well as developing the financial sector’s talent pool, etc.

You can find all preliminary topics of the IFC 2019 programme on the official website of the Congress at ibcongress.com/en/programme/.

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