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Selected Indicators Characterizing Performance of Credit Institutions (Grouped by Size of Assets) on Mortgage Loans Market

  Credit institutions grouped by assets (in descending order) as of 01.11.2017
1-5 6-20 21-50 51-200 201-500 501-572 total
1. Number of credit institutions extended mortgage loans, units 5 13 23 94 151 130 416
2. Number of mortgage loans extended to individuals, units, of which loans extended 659,621 46,219 47,884 44,509 14,257 862 813,352
2.1. in rubles 659,621 46,218 47,884 44,506 14,254 859 813,342
2.2. in foreign currency 0 1 0 3 3 3 10
3. Volume of mortgage loans extended to individuals, - total, million rubles, of which: 1,191,860 90,677 103,875 92,858 17,133 2,429 1,498,833
3.1. in rubles 1,191,860 90,666 103,875 92,571 17,014 2,331 1,498,318
3.2. in foreign currency 0 11 0 287 119 98 515
4. Debt on mortgage loans, extended by credit institutions, - total, million rubles, of which: 3,971,409 293,962 338,000 300,312 39,132 5,247 4,948,063
4.1. in rubles 3,959,151 281,041 331,475 288,011 37,131 4,950 4,901,760
4.2. in foreign currency 12,258 12,921 6,525 12,301 2,001 297 46,303
4.3. of which:overdue, - total 43,915 10,607 8,718 6,816 1,443 186 71,685
4.3.1. in rubles 38,196 5,893 5,880 4,219 1,279 177 55,644
4.3.2. in foreign currency 5,719 4,714 2,838 2,597 164 9 16,041
5. Weighted average maturity, months, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
5.1. in rubles 186.6 183.9 204.1 184.2 108.4 91.6 186.5
5.2. in foreign currency 0.0 195.0 0.0 44.1 21.8 32.4 40.0
6. Weighted average interest rate, %, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
6.1. in rubles 10.80 11.80 11.40 11.50 14.80 15.50 10.94
6.2. in foreign currency 0.00 11.00 0.00 6.10 9.00 9.00 7.43
7. Rights of claim under mortgage loans, - total, million rubles, of which: 56,193 26,495 29,175 34,573 4,160 247 150,842
7.1. in rubles 49,408 21,373 25,503 29,388 4,130 247 130,049
7.2. in foreign currency 6,785 5,122 3,672 5,185 30 0 20,793

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 06.12.2017