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FIFA World Cup Russia: commemorative coins

5 December 2017

On 5 December 2017, the Bank of Russia issues commemorative coins dedicated to the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia: four silver proof commemorative coins in denomination of 3 rubles, a gold proof coin in denomination of 50 rubles and a base metals coin in denomination of 25 rubles in a regular and special edition designs.

The reverse sides of 3-ruble coins depict a flying ball trail which lies between the image of a football player and a combination of folklore ornament and a cartouche with places of interest of the following Russian cities:  Moscow, the St. Basil’s Cathedral and the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin on the first coin; St. Petersburg, the monument to Peter the Great on the second coin; and Sochi, the city seaport on the third coin. The mintage of each coin is up to 24 thousand pcs.

The reverse sides of the two coins depict an image of the FIFA World Cup Trophy. On the silver proof coin in denomination of 3 rubles, the Trophy is depicted against the background of the stylised stadium bowl. On the gold proof coin in denomination of 50 rubles, the Trophy is depicted against the background of folklore ornament. The mintage of the silver coin is up to 24 thousand pcs, of the gold one — up to 12 thousand pcs.

The reverse side of the base metals coin in denomination of 25 rubles in a regular edition design bears a relief image of the mascot 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia. The reverse side of the base metals coin in a special edition design depicts the mascot made in colour. The mintage of the regular edition coin is 19,750 thousand pcs and the mintage of the special edition coin is 250 thousand pcs.

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