Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Alexey Ponomarenko Author-Email: PonomarenkoAA@cbr.ru Author-Workplace-Name: Bank of Russia, Russian Federation Author-Name: Anna Krupkina Author-Email: Author-Workplace-Name: Bank of Russia, Russian Federation Title: Deposit dollarization and national currency depreciation in Russia and Kazakhstan Abstract: In 2014-2015, bank deposit dollarization in Kazakhstan outpaced that in Russia despite a smaller scale depreciation of the national currency. The fixed exchange rate regime, the passive interest rate policy, and the initially higher dollarization level could be conducive to the process. Length: 6 pages Creation-Date: 2016-02 Revision-Date: Publication-Status: File-URL: http://www.cbr.ru/Content/Document/File/87600/analytic_note_1_e.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: Number: note1 Classification-JEL: Keywords: Handle:RePEc:bkr:wpaper:note1