Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Elena Chetverikova Author-Email: 11sveconom@cbr.ru Author-Workplace-Name: Bank of Russia, Russian Federation Author-Name: Yulia Gudkova Author-Email: 11sveconom@cbr.ru Author-Workplace-Name: Bank of Russia, Russian Federation Author-Name: Anna Vorontsova Author-Email: 11sveconom@cbr.ru Author-Workplace-Name: Bank of Russia, Russian Federation Author-Name: Yulia Manuhina Author-Email: 11sveconom@cbr.ru Author-Workplace-Name: Bank of Russia, Russian Federation Title: Heterogeneity of savings activity in Russian regions, its predictors and determinants Abstract: This report examines the heterogeneity of Russian regions in terms of saving behavior, its predictors and determinants. The purpose of the work is identification of stable groups of regions with similar socio-economic characteristics associated with saving behavior. For this we used exploratory data analysis method, such as clustering with factor analysis (principal component method) to reduce dimensionality. The initial data is the savings rate, as well as other socio-economic indicators identified in the empirical literature as its determinants and predictors and available regionally. Analysis shows that most regions of Russia have a similar savings rate and influencing socio-economic conditions affect it. At the same time, certain groups of regions have specific features that determine savings activity in them, which can influence efficiency of monetary policy transmission in the regions. Length: 53 pages Creation-Date: 2022-12 Revision-Date: Publication-Status: File-URL: http://www.cbr.ru/StaticHtml/File/142779/wp_101.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: Number: wps101 Classification-JEL: E21, E71 Keywords: savings, consumer behavior, clustering, Russian regions Handle:RePEc:bkr:wpaper:wps101